My Strategies

  1. Identify the purpose of learning.
    • Knowing why you are learning something and how that connects to you as well as the rest of the course material.
  2. Creat environment
    • I know I am someone who works better in a library or a quiet place that is free from distractions like t.v or friends.
    • Knowing what works best for you can make you more productive and efficient in understanding course work.
  3. Motivation
    •  I procrastinate a lot. Reminding myself why I am taking the course and reminding myself of the bigger picture of getting my degree will keep me self motivated.
    • Setting times during which i feel more motivated like in the evening compared to the morning will help me not get behind and become discouraged.
  4. Active Learning
    • Make sure to attend classes
    • Take notes and pay attention to leacture
  5. Organization
    • Writing down assignments
    • Bring required material to class i.e reading, handouts, papers/assignments, textbook
    • Keep documents for the class all together in a folder or binder.
  6. Review
    • Reflect on how effectively I did each of the above for the week and change or adjust if need be.

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