Final Exam Artist Statement

I made this project by the inspiration of two words.  “Turquoise” and “Imaginative.”  First I gathered up everything turquoise that I owned. 

Then I organized them in an imaginative manner to make the first half of my project.


I then played around the idea of having a photo of these things printed on cardboard and floated into the bathtub.


I then added water and had objects float around for yet another photograph.

I then photoshoped my photograph to make it look as if it is a computer screen on the internet.  I then printed out multiple copies onto cardboard, picking my favorite one. The top photograph didn’t print with enough color, so I chose the next photograph to represent my work.

Once there, I wanted the cardboard to stand out three dimensionally from a wooden background, so everyone would be looking at the print.


I wanted the piece to be easily recognizable as “Turquoise” and “Imaginative” while also having a flat feature representing the second dimensionality of Post-Internet Art.


My critic group discussed how the wooden floor was a better background than my turquoise shirt, as there would have been no contrast in the piece.  Everyone loved the three dimensionality of the toothbrush comming from the corner in high contrast.  Some thought that having more items in the final piece would help bring out the shape of the Walmart cardboard.  Everyone saw a connection between the neon and the glow of an internet based computer screen.  Next time I’ll take multiple photos of the work so there’s even more to talk about.  I am overall proud of my final piece.

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