STEP Competitive Partner Dancing

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.

For my STEP project, I took private dance lessons at EA Dance Art. In my sophomore year, I joined OSU’s dancesport club, dancesport basically being the sporty name for competitive ballroom. I used my STEP funds to get Latin heels and lessons to deepen my understanding of dance technique.

  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? 

I don’t think I’ve ever had the kind of hobby that made me want to go out of my way to get better at it. I took guitar lessons all through middle school and a bit into high school, but I’m honestly not 100% sure why. I think it was the kind of thing where my parents just wanted me to have a hobby and I thought guitars were cool. I mean it was fun to play, but I never tried particularly hard to get good at it beyond the surface. Or maybe I’d practice a bit for a specific event, but it was never anything super complex. Same thing went for any sport I tried. Like yeah I ran a few miles every day during cross country, but I never ran during the off season, did any sort of cross training, or even paid attention to what I was eating (mostly junk food, the flow of the universe, and my own spite).

Ballroom might possibly be the first time I’ve ever actively tried to get better at something. It’s so easy for me to think I’m just bad at practicing on my own and I should be giving more time to it, but looking at it through the lens of all the things I’ve tried before, I’ve actually come really far. Of course I’m going to be bad at practicing on my own. That’s something people are supposed to learn, I just never had anything I cared about enough to force myself to learn. And that’s probably the most fundamental change in my understanding of myself. It’s hard to hold onto and I’m going to have to continuously relearn it, but it’s an important realization.

  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? 

Part of what’s made the whole process of trying to be nicer to myself about being bad at dance is having people who tell me “Hey um, you’re good at dance actually.” Or they tell me what specifically is bad about the dancing and then how to fix it. And during this project, I got to pay people to dedicate hours of their time specifically to telling me those things!

Enoch and Anastasia, the instructors I was taking lessons from, were absolutely fantastic at telling me the things I needed to hear. I’ve never taken an anatomy course, so these dance lessons were probably the most detailed explanations of how my body works that I’ve heard in my entire life. And they dished out enough genuine and specific compliments that I left almost every lesson feeling better about my dancing than when I came, even though we just spent 90 minutes tearing apart everything I’d previously been doing.

I did also genuinely get better at technique during these lessons. Higher level dancers who saw me when I was starting out have seen me at social dancing events or doing practice rounds at club lessons and came over to me to say they could tell that I’d been cooking on Latin/rhythm. With the semester starting, we’ve gotten a lot of new people joining dancesport club, and I feel like a minor deity. There are so many things I can identify because I was doing it the whole time and literally just figured out how to fix it. It feels good to see where I came from and know I’ve surpassed it and then watch as the advice I pass onto new people helps them surpass it too.

  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?

I generally don’t feel proud of the things I’ve accomplished. It’s something I’ve always struggled with and will most likely struggle with for the rest of my life. Taking a few dance lessons won’t fix that, but it was nice to practice thinking differently about my approach to learning. Dance has been the most positive influence on my mental and physical health since coming to college, and I’m so glad I got to spend these weeks doing a deeper dive into it.

STEP Computer Build

  1. In my STEP project, I built a PC. This consisted of searching for parts, building the PC, and installing software on the PC.

Since I had never built a PC, the task was daunting. There are so many parts from so many different websites, and sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. However, I was able to get started on the project, despite my hesitations and anxieties. I honestly thought it was something complicated that I wouldn’t be able to do or have a chance to do. However, the STEP project gave me the opportunity to build a PC, which I had always been wanting to do. I lacked confidence at many of the parts of the process since I had never done this before. Again, this led to hesitation and anxiety. However, after each step, I began to feel more and more confident that I knew what I was doing and that I would be able to complete the project. This project helped me transform my confidence with unfamiliar activities. I began to realize that, just because I hadn’t had any experience in building a computer before, doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be able to learn how to do so through learning and hands-on experience.


To start the project, the first steps were learning about what the different parts in a PC do. This was facilitated by the program leader, Ty James. This was done in order to help define what I wanted my end product to contain and what I wanted to do with my PC. As a computer science major, I wanted to build a PC that could handle my schoolwork and future workload, as well as one of my hobbies, video gaming. After this, I spent a lot of time researching parts, which is the process that helped build up confidence to ordering. I continuously looked at different products and their reviews on different websites. However, I understood that, when it comes to ordering, I wouldn’t ever be 100% certain about my decision to purchase, as there are always more reviews I could read, some good and some bad, which could change my opinion about what I was buying.

Next, I had to commit to ordering the parts. Again, although I felt fairly confident about my potential purchases, I was not certain. At this point, I just had to go ahead and order and be comfortable with taking the risk. I ordered from several places, some online and some in person. I ended up being satisfied with all of my parts except one, which I exchanged for a more powerful part a couple days later. I also ended up needing one more part than I originally expected. This taught me that, although I wasn’t certain, I was still satisfied with my purchase, which helped increase my confidence in this unfamiliar project. I also learned to understand that things do not need to be perfect the first time around, and that is okay to make mistakes and change plans, as long as the final product is to my standards.

Next, I built the PC, which was definitely the part that I felt least confident about. There are times that, if done incorrectly, it can break your computer and ruin the whole process, and I wasn’t confident enough in my abilities to feel very comfortable doing the process. So, I made sure to work hard at learning what the steps are in building the PC. Sometimes, I also recruited the help of a friend who had built a PC before. There were a couple times where I made mistakes and panicked. However, I learned how to keep calm, fix the issue, and continue with the process. I tried not to let my mistakes create more hesitation in the build, but when I made a mistake I was more careful for the following steps, as I did not want to make another mistake and slow down the process. Though, even with my mistakes, as I progressed with the build and got closer to finishing, I continued to gain confidence in my abilities. I realized that, if I make a mistake, I can fix it and continue on. I realized that, although it was a difficult project, that I am capable of learning and completing it with confidence.

Towards the end of the project, we learned about certifications in the computing world. We learned that there are many different certifications, and how those certifications can affect job outcomes. As a computer science major, I found this very valuable. I knew that certifications existed but I wasn’t sure about their cost, purpose, or outcomes. However, all of the certifications we learned about yielded a positive return in regards to salary and employment, which helps give  me possibilities on ways continue my transition from college to employment.



This transformation in how I approach confidence with new projects is valuable in nearly every aspect of life. I am able to apply it to my classes, where I should be confident in my abilities to start the project and be okay with making a mistake during the process. The project is very relevant to computer science, as it is very natural to make mistakes in the field. In a real software engineering job, all that matters is if you make a mistake, then you should problem solve and figure out how to fix that mistake, just as I did in the project. It is not beneficial to panic or give up, but instead to persevere, push through, and be confident in problem solving abilities. This project gave me the opportunity to feel confident in my learning and problem solving capabilities, which will be helpful in the future with my career in software engineering or AI.

STEP Computer Build


Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project.

During the summer after my Junior year, I participated in a 10-week program where I learned about the fundamentals of computer hardware design and creation. Throughout the program, I got to learn about a wide range of topics, ranging from part compatibility and power considerations to more advanced topics like network security and the cloud. This hands-on experience resulted in me getting to connect with other peers who shared the same interests and deepening my knowledge and understanding of how computers are modularized into a cohesive system and how to design them in a manner that suits specific needs.


What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project?

In the past, I had used computers extensively through school and personal usage, but didn’t really understand the technical details behind how a computer works to process and compute information. Since I am a Computer Science and Engineering major, this project helped me gain more fundamental knowledge within my field, which enables me to pursue more advanced areas in the future. On a different note, when working on challenging projects similar to the STEP PC project, I often made decisions based on minimizing obstacles and avoiding complications, rather than actively searching for the most effective and optimal solution. Working on the STEP PC project changed my mindset to be more optimization-focused in that regard. It taught me to be more resilient and persist when facing challenges, allowing me to be more adaptable. Additionally, the progression of spending large portions of time researching parts (and their interactions) to actually implementing my computer decision gave me a greater sense of confidence in how I approached problem-solving through informed/data-driven decisions. Alongside this, the computer-building project truly made me experience firsthand how technology can create communities and help match individuals who share similar interests.


What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?

Undoubtedly, I experienced the most growth in my technical computer knowledge during the computer architecture lectures from the instructor. Here, I was introduced to the many different high-level components that make up a computer and why each of them was necessary to the system. Learning about this caused me to continue exploring in my free time regarding how these components interacted with each other and what effect they had on computer programs. The knowledge I gained from that experience has helped shape the way I think about technology and building computer programs well. 


Furthermore, I truly began to develop my optimization mindset during the research phase of the project. Contrary to my past experiences of working on tasks with strict guidelines, the task of researching what kind of computer I required was largely open-ended. And so I began to notice myself selecting parts that seemed reasonable, only to immediately swap them for a more effective set of components I developed as a result of further persistent research. Through this, I started to consider long-term features and capabilities as I continued to iteratively prototype and research. Ultimately, when I finalized the PC-build design, I was left with a newly-carved behavior to strive for optimization in my efforts in challenges and problems rather than simply settling.


Another crucial moment where I learned to be more resilient was during the build stage. Specifically, it was during the step where I had to apply thermal paste on the metal casing of the CPU before I installed the CPU cooler on top of it. When I went to apply the paste, I ended up placing too much, creating the risk that when I pressed down the cooler onto the CPU, it would end up spilling into other parts of the motherboard. This was problematic for several reasons, such as the paste getting stuck in sensitive areas where it would be incredibly difficult to remove. While I initially panicked, I realized that the only way to move forward was to properly assess the issue and develop a solution for it. I researched the problem on the internet and settled on carefully extracting the substance with isopropyl alcohol and lint-free cloth. And after reinstalling the paste properly, I was able to complete the setup. Realizing that I have the ability to tackle issues like this helped me become a more resilient person. 


Throughout the entire project, one of the most important things I became aware of was the importance of technology in building communities. Now importantly, the lectures and general communication for the cohort happened through digital channels. And so, during the research portion of the project, I got to reach out to many of the other individuals in the cohort and discuss not only considerations about the project but also personal topics, such as hobbies and other interests. Making friends through the course of this project, directly enabled me to not only gain better knowledge about computers through discussion but also build a bigger sense of perspective on how computers and technology in general can be transformative in social networking and building a larger sense of community in the world.


Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?

Ultimately, this collection of experiences and developmental changes has helped me grow in many ways. From a technical standpoint, learning more about computers and their inner workings continues to help me understand larger computer systems on a more fundamental level. As mentioned previously, such knowledge has vastly helped me improve my breadth of ability within Computer Science academics and the field overall. On top of this, the lectures where I gained exposure to more advanced computer-related topics continue to help me shape my career path in a manner that works towards those areas. On a more personal level, by experiencing the virtual nature of the cohort, I got to widen my perspective on how technology impacts society and community, which is important in helping me think about how I want to use my skill set to benefit the world. Truly, the STEP PC project has helped me grow my character and resilience, which assists me in handling daily challenges and problems. As a result, I am greatly thankful for the opportunity to be part of such a project and get to grow from it.

STEP Reflection – Introductory Quilting

Picture of a screen with an excel sheet pulled up, 10 different patterns for a quilt with 3×4 log cabin blocks in my colors.

Excel spreadsheet of design ideas

Selection of 7 folded fabrics, 3 light blue, 3 green, 1 navy with small blue flowers and green leaves.

Fabric selections

I'm laying on the floor with two thumbs up, on top of me is most of a quilt.

Me and the moment enough of the quilt was together to use it as a blanket!

Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. (2-3 sentences)

My STEP Signature Project was based around developing what I hope will be a life-long skill — sewing! I attended an introductory course at a quilting shop and I learned how to piece together fabric patterns, use a sewing machine, problem solve when a sewing machine mysteriously stops working, quilt multiple layers together, the principles of embroidery, and bind unfinished edges together.

What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? (1-2 paragraphs)

I know people who are fantastic at sewing. I, rather ignorantly, grew up seeing the ease with which they made such impressive projects and inferred that sewing is simple. Through completing my STEP Signature Project, I learned that my assumption was not at all true. Sewing can be easy, eventually, after years of dedicated practice, but for a beginner (especially one who does not enjoy not being good at something right away)? Very complicated! There are so many moving pieces, so many places you need to have measured correctly or something will not work, and all sorts of ways to jam a sewing machine. I quickly had to accept that I am not a quilting prodigy and start putting in the hours to improve. Luckily, I had a lot of support from the staff and my fellow classmates at Quilt Beginnings, and my grandma was able to FaceTime and help me diagnose machine problems.

I now have a greater appreciation for the people in my life and what their sewing prowess really means — not that it is easy, but that they put in a lot of effort to get so good. I myself have new technical skills, but perhaps more meaningful in the “transformative” sense is that I went out of my comfort zone to try something new and then worked at it even though it did not come naturally to me. As someone trying to reform my unhelpful perfectionism, this is a huge step.

What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? (3-4 paragraphs)

My positive experience was absolutely the result of the wonderful guidance and support from the people around me. The staff at Quilt Beginnings were there for me through the whole process — deciding which class, agonizing over fabric combinations, my first mistake, and even the first time I did something correctly. My teacher was not only an experienced quilter, but an experienced educator. She has been teaching at Quilt Beginnings for many classes, and before that she was a Home Economics teacher at a local high school. It was very evident in the way she communicated. She anticipated the questions we would have, gave us the why behind the methods we were taught, and constructively got us back on track when someone’s piecing did not fit together quite correctly.

For the rest of my classmates, despite no one being an experienced quilter, many people there had much more sewing experience than I came in with (not difficult to beat 0). It was a very welcoming environment. There were steps in our process where we specifically spent our class time helping one another so nobody would feel overwhelmed. Everyone was so kind and supportive of one another that I cannot imagine a better environment to develop the skill of developing a new skill.

I also appreciated the support of my friends and family — much more informal than the official setting of the quilting shop, but important all the same. I spent days over a sewing machine at my parents’ kitchen table and in my friends’ living room because my apartment is not big enough to be sewing-project-friendly. Everyone shared my excitement for this new project and I would not have been motivated without all that support. 

Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans. (1-2 paragraphs)

First, I will address the growth in my technical skills. I started off as someone who had hand-stitched a stuffed animal in elementary school art class and thought there was nothing tricky at all. I learned that there are actually a lot of tricky parts to sewing and I learned how to do them. I have easily quadrupled the sewing capabilities I had before my STEP Signature Project began. I feel comfortable not only with the thought of quilting, but of mending clothes and other sewing projects which were not previously on my radar but could be super helpful. I also already have plans for my next quilt!

As for personal growth, I think increasing my willingness to try new things is a growth in my maturity. Having an experience where I not only learned new skills, but first had to overcome the thought that it would not be much work at all, was beneficial as I now can approach other topics with that same attitude. Crafting, yes, but also professionally and interpersonally. Just because I think now that I am not good at something, or maybe even that something is easy but not worth my doing, I can challenge that belief and recognize that maybe there is value there in trying and failing and keeping on anyways.

STEP Summer 2024 Voice Program

For my STEP Signature Project, I participated in the SOO Theatre Apprenticeship Program for three weeks in Sault St. Marie, Michigan. During my project, I participated in master classes, rehearsals, and had lessons with faculty. We had three final performances: an aria concert, two performances of The Magic Flute (Mozart), and three performances of Susannah (Floyd).


I learned more about my voice, the rehearsal process, and effective communication. My primary reason for pursuing this project was to get more perspectives on how I can be a better singer. During my time, I had lessons with four different instructors. They all helped me, and two of them helped me greatly. One of them helped me understand the singing mechanism in more detail: one way of breathing correctly and how to remove tongue tension. The other helped me access more of my chest resonance, remove tension in the throat, and a technique for singing higher in the voice. Fully adopting these changes is a work-in-progress, however I have already received positive feedback about how these changes have helped my singing: it’s louder, more colorful, and created more easily. I also learned more about the rehearsal process. My experience in Michigan was the first time it was outside the university setting. In short, there was less of a learning stage than what I have experienced before. Music should largely be prepared beforehand and rehearsals are for memorization, staging, acting, and coordinating with other members of the ensembles. Asking others how they prepared offered some valuable insight. I also learned about the rehearsal timeline, its different technical stages, and what they encompass. Lastly, I learned to inquire about a role, how to communicate any issues, and overall navigate the professional relationships with coaches, directors, and others in the ensemble. 


My lessons, as stated before, yielded successful changes. The lessons I had with the four faculty were amazing! I am still in the process of unpacking and exploring all their suggestions. These lessons (including masterclasses) were nice because I was getting fresh opinions from people who do not know my voice and have different ways of thinking about things from my teacher or me. My closest relationship in the program was with the person who helped me free up the throat, engage my chest resonance, and sing higher in the voice with ease. I think one reason I learned so much from him is because he is a baritone who has a similar vocal background to me. Aside from improvement in my singing technique, he was also someone who helped me better understand the opera industry and some of the challenges that I may face. I definitely see him as a role model and a mentor. 

Rehearsals were a big part of the program and where I spent most of my time. I learned some of the rehearsal process by asking others at the program, but most of it was from first hand experience after just jumping in. I also was able to observe others’ vocal technique and characterization of the parts they were singing. This includes the baritone I studied with. This directly translated because we not only had similar voices, I was also understudying the role he performed. The final performances were fun and were a culmination of the short term knowledge I had gained and put it into practice in a higher stakes environment. Overall, I feel more prepared about the rehearsal process both in the professional and academic settings. 

During my experience, I was put in a tough position. I was being asked to fill an extra role that did not benefit me, but was still a large time commitment at a time when I had other responsibilities. This occurred because of a lack of communication from the individual who made the request, a lack of proactive inquiry on my end, and multiple undeclared increases in responsibility henceforth. Navigating this experience and resolving it successfully taught me how to better communicate, enquire, and the overall dynamic between different roles in the production. 



These experiences are valuable to me because I want to be an opera singer! The improvements in vocal technique, the understanding of the rehearsal process, learning how to better navigate relationships, how to better communicate issues, networking with peers and faculty are all things that will help me land roles and successfully execute my responsibilities. This will then help me network more, improve vocally, etc… the cycle repeats. My experience as a SOO Theater Apprentice will also help me perform more successfully during my lessons and recital at OSU.


STEP 2024 – From Fiber to Garment: An Exploration into Spinning, Weaving, and Machine Knitting

Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. 

For my STEP signature project I went through the process of making a garment from fiber to finished piece. I spun my own yarn, wound it into skeins, and then used either a knitting or weaving technique to create a sweater and a scarf.


What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? 

My STEP project significantly empowered me and enhanced my skills in creation and innovation. During the initial planning phases, I spent considerable time collaborating with my advisor, harboring doubts about my ability to manage such an extensive project. The prospect of committing a substantial amount of time and financial resources to a project in an area I had not previously explored was quite daunting. I felt a lot of pressure and anxiety that the project might not be enjoyable or that it might be too challenging to complete within the allotted timeframe.

However, the experience ultimately proved transformative. By the end of the project, I emerged not only with a renewed sense of creative energy but also with the affirmation that this is the type of work I am passionate about pursuing as a career. The process reinforced my belief that a career in textiles aligns perfectly with my aspirations and capabilities, and this project was instrumental in validating my commitment to this field.


What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?

The opportunity to acquire and utilize equipment that I would not have otherwise encountered has been profoundly impactful in my professional development. In particular, working with a spinning wheel has been an exceptionally rewarding experience. Although the learning curve associated with this equipment presented significant challenges, mastering it through dedicated practice has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the art of spinning.

The ability to exert control over numerous facets of the creative process has not only been empowering but has also significantly expanded the horizons of my practice. I now have the ability to work with fiber, color, and many other characteristics to create truly personal and professional garments. This opens numerous possibilities for future projects and innovations, thereby enhancing my creative capabilities and broadening the scope of my future.

Furthermore, this project provided me with the invaluable opportunity to collaborate closely with an expert possessing extensive knowledge and experience in the textiles field. Sasha, with her profound expertise, played a pivotal role in my development throughout this endeavor. She not only imparted essential technical skills that were crucial to the project’s success but also offered insightful guidance on the realities and nuances of working in the textiles industry from an academic standpoint.

Her mentorship was instrumental in navigating the complexities of the project, and her guidance has been particularly influential as I increasingly focus on a career path in research and development. Sasha’s contributions were fundamental in overcoming the challenges I faced, and her insights have significantly shaped and inspired my future professional aspirations. This collaboration has not only equipped me with practical skills but has also deepened my understanding of the field, laying a solid foundation for my continued growth and exploration in textiles.


Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.

This project has solidified my educational and professional trajectory, providing me with a clear and confident direction for my future endeavors. The skills and knowledge I have gained through this experience have greatly enhanced my readiness as I embark on the next phase of my academic journey. I now feel exceptionally well-prepared to apply to graduate programs, specifically those offering a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Textiles. The project reinforced my commitment to advancing in this field but has also equipped me with the practical experience and academic insight necessary for success in a rigorous graduate program.


STEP 2024 Computer Build

1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project.

My STEP project was a loosely led Computer Build project. I learned the steps to research, design, and build a PC and also learned about different career opportunities in the IT field.

2. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project?

A key takeaway from this build was the importance of design verification. When researching computer parts that I could use for my build, I had to remain aware of the specifications of each part and whether they were compatible with all the other chosen parts. While this can be a meticulous process, the process is crucial to build a machine that functions properly. I also had to consider the purpose of the machine and the requirements that that purpose entailed. When researching parts, we had to find the application with the highest specification requirements that we wanted to run and then build around those specifications. This requirement was also part of design verification because even if we were to construct a machine that worked, the device might not be able to perform the tasks we built it for.

3. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?

While researching parts for my computer build project, I quickly realized that selecting the right components was just the beginning. As I delved deeper into the details, I discovered the critical importance of design verification. Initially, I focused on finding the best CPU, GPU, and motherboard that fit my budget and performance needs. However, as I pieced together the build, I learned that verifying the compatibility and overall design was just as important as choosing the right parts. For example, I needed to ensure that my power supply could handle the demands of all the components and that my cooling solution would fit within the case while effectively managing heat. This experience taught me that design verification is essential in preventing potential issues down the line, such as hardware incompatibility or thermal inefficiencies, and ultimately contributes to a smoother, more reliable build.

Assembling a computer for the first time was an exciting yet eye-opening experience. I was eager to see all the parts I had meticulously chosen come together, but as I began putting everything in place, I encountered several challenges. The cooling fans I bought for the case did not fit properly, and I lacked enough RGB ports on my motherboard to handle all the fans I had. On top of that, when I tried to mount the CPU cooler, I discovered that the bracket did not align correctly with the motherboard. These issues made me realize the importance of design verification. I had assumed that as long as the parts were compatible on paper, everything would fit together seamlessly. However, this experience taught me that careful design verification—double-checking dimensions, fit, and compatibility beyond just specifications—is crucial to avoid frustrating setbacks during the assembly process.

Learning about the different roles in information technology, especially data engineering, broadened my perception of what IT encompasses and what can be achieved within the field. Initially, I had a rather narrow view, associating IT primarily with software development and technical support. However, as I explored more, I discovered the role of data engineering, which focuses on building systems for collecting, storing, and analyzing vast amounts of data. This opened my eyes to the immense possibilities within IT beyond just coding or troubleshooting. I realized that IT is a diverse and dynamic field where roles like data engineering are a critical part of powering everything from business analytics to artificial intelligence. Understanding these roles made me appreciate the depth of IT and how it can be applied to solve complex problems, drive innovation, and create new opportunities across various industries.

4. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?

This new way of thinking is crucial to my career aspiration of becoming a controls engineer. Control engineering involves designing electrical systems, and design verification is necessary when designing those systems. Gaining experience in building a complex system that requires design verification and specification checks under supervision is a valuable learning opportunity I can apply as I work towards becoming a controls engineer. This project also taught me to consider factors beyond just the system I am building. While building my computer, I also had to consider how I intended to use my PC and how I might make improvements in the future. These are the main lessons I learned while working on my STEP project.

STEP Computer Build – Reflection

Link to Project Slides Presentation Here

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.


For my STEP Project, I participated in the STEP Computer build program, where Mr. Ty James instructed us on how to find the appropriate computer parts for our specific needs, how to assemble those components within the computer case, and advised us on potential career opportunities to pursue with our new devices. The program also provided us with a 1500 dollar budget to utilize towards the price of the computer parts, which we could then utilize personal funds if we went over budget. 


  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? 


Personally, the idea of building a Personal Computer always seemed an unattainable, overly complicated, non-approachable concept. I had seen others online do it and had always had an interest in the process, but once I took closer looks into the specific steps and components, I always felt overwhelmed by the entirety of the process. Coming into this program, those nerves and apprehensions were still there at the very beginning, but were quickly tossed aside after the instruction and resources provided by Mr. James. 


Now, looking back at the entirety of the program, my knowledge of PCs and my experience with them has increased exponentially. My roommate, who had lots of experience building PCs in the past, helped me a lot throughout the process, and now I’m excited to do the same for others who are looking to create their own computers. The impossibility of building a computer had not only been completely removed, but been replaced with confidence and skill all because of this program. 


  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? 


As aforementioned, I had a lot of assistance throughout this process to help me get to where I am now; first and foremost, the resources and knowledge provided by Mr. James was indispensable and incredibly helpful. The introduction to, the website and organization tool I used throughout the building process, streamlined the entirety of the build, and allowed me to store and compare part selections and see the final compatibility and performance options. Mr. James also offered to give a second opinion on our part choices, voice any concerns about our selections, and verify performance expectations. He also helped us jump-start the process of getting our operating system (in our case, Windows 11) and various softwares and launchers downloaded that we may need for our specific career aspirations.


My roommate was also incredibly helpful during the selection and construction processes. I would voice my desires and requirements for my ideal PC, and cross-verify my part selections with them for the final product. Then, once I had all of my parts in my posession, he helped me with the construction process. His experience with PCs was really highlighted, and I learned a lot about the process as a whole by working with him. If I didn’t have a roommate with that much experience, I would still have someone to turn to for all of the help I would need, as Mr. James offered to be that outlet for help if we did not have someone to turn to. We could always reach out to him with questions if we had them, and we could reach out to him during the construction process for assistance as well. 


All in all, the people around me were instrumental to my success during this process. They, and the resources they provided for me, taught me all I now know about PC construction. Being a part of this program and having these discussions with those around me is what allowed me now to have a powerful device that will be incredibly important in my future filmmaking endeavors, as well as the knowledge of how to create one in case I need to make future upgrades or help others. 


  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?


My ideal career is in the landscape of film and video production, and one of, if not the most, instrumental aspects of this career is the post-production/editing process. With a powerful and capable device like the PC I built during this program, I will be able to streamline the editing process for my future creative projects, and have access to more editing possibilities that were not available on less-powerful computers. Being able to make these improvements will create a significant jump in quality and a decrease of technical errors as I create videos throughout the remainder of my schooling and the entirety of my future career.

STEP Computer Build

My STEP Signature Project was completed through the STEP Computer Build opportunity and consisted of weekly online classroom sessions throughout the course of the Summer of 2024. The instructor, Ty James, assisted in the budgeting and assembly of a PC with a 1,500-dollar budget provided by the STEP program.

From Microsoft Excel statistical analysis to 3D CAD modeling in SolidWorks, I have taken computers for granted in my daily usage of engineering programs throughout my academic career. Despite having a strong reliance upon computers through the mechanical engineering curriculum at Ohio State, my view of technology changed after completing the STEP Computer Build project, because it provided a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks that make up a PC. Research and discussions provided unique insight into the hardware related to PC assembly and allowed for an informed selection of parts and assembly process. Not only did this provide unique and valuable experience in important technological understanding, but also established a level of confidence in computer hardware that shifted the way I view PCs. To those that are not familiar with the field, understanding PC hardware seems complicated and out of reach. However, this program taught me that with a relatively little amount of time and research, anyone can become acquainted with PC building and use it to benefit their own PC experiences.

Under the expert oversight of Cybersecurity instructor Ty James, I was able to be curious and explore further into different aspects of PC technology that I had no previous experience with. He created a relaxed and open environment to share ideas and concerns with him and the other members of the course to use collective knowledge to benefit the group. With all the students in the same position of relatively little experience or knowledge of PC building, the format of the course allowed both general and specific questions to be openly asked that benefitted everyone involved. Weekly meetings provided a basis for action, outlining important tips and considerations for each step of the computer building process without holding our hands too tightly. The time in between the meetings allowed us to take initiative and try applying our new and then report back with any updates, questions, or concerns we might have throughout the process.

Additionally, the course included elements of personal freedom that allowed us to prioritize different aspects of the PC builds depending on what we valued in our product and what applications we desired. For example, I intend to use my PC for CAD modeling software, so I made sure to invest in a solid graphics card to properly render the models I will be working with. This aspect of personalization increased my interest in the build and provided me with confidence that the application of my research would go to good use in my desired product.

The STEP Computer Build project inspired me to reach out to other experts in the field, consulting with anyone I could find to provide different perspectives on important considerations. I learned that hardware choices within the PC community are highly debated and there are several different philosophies depending on who you ask. I learned that in many cases there are no wrong answers, and as long as the selected parts are compatible with one another it is often up to personal preference what route to take. This opened my eyes to the numerous possibilities associated with PC builds and suddenly the complex mystery of computer hardware became much simpler. After purchasing the parts, the assembly process was loosely guided with tips and instructions, but largely became a personal process of research and troubleshooting. Ultimately, the experience of building my own PC opened my eyes to countless possibilities and provided me with confidence to tackle my own computer hardware related endeavors in the future.

The knowledge and confidence I gained from the STEP Computer Build project will not only apply currently with my new PC and academic career but will also extend into the future with potential applications in personal and professional technology. I have confidence that if I ever find the need to upgrade or replace my current computer, I have the tools in place to solve any potential problems myself and curate my changes to meet my needs. Additionally, an understanding of PC hardware and assembly is becoming increasingly important in the modern technology-driven era and will without a doubt be beneficial in any field I choose to pursue with my engineering degree. This experience has not only provided me with the practical benefit of a new PC but has also equipped me with a set of tools that contribute to a confidence and understanding of technology that will propel me into a successful future.


STEP Computer Build

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.

My STEP project was the process of Building a PC and everything that it entails. Researching each part of the PC and researching the programs and tips and tricks that should be done when building the PC. 

  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place.

Upon completing my STEP signature project, I have expanded my view of the world. Researching my list of PC parts has expanded my view of the world, and I’ve noticed how quickly and often the market changes. There is a lot to consider in buying each part for the PC, there is so much research that needs to be done. Something that I figured out about myself as I went through the purchasing and building process is the I am a perfectionist. Another thing is that I prefer more modern and newer products. 

  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation.

Researching in many markets showed me how the same product can be priced differently depending on the site. Also, how different a certain product can be depends on the brand. Once I had my list, I went to Micro Center and completely changed my list. That goes to show how much you need to research when buying an item. It made me realize that I need to prepare and not go in without enough information.  

When I was starting to build the PC, I was taking my time and was going very slow. Although I didn’t mind, I was being too much of a perfectionist when putting in a part. Everything didn’t have to be perfect and yet I tried to do just that. The way I tried to have the wires in a certain direction wasn’t necessary, but I kept trying to get it a certain way even if it couldn’t. I was trying too hard to get all my parts to be white for my PC because I wanted a white build. But I wasted time trying to research some white power supplies when my case didn’t show my power supply. Sometimes there is no need to be perfect with something. 

As I was researching the many PC parts I noticed I would prefer more newer parts. I like the better-looking and performance parts; once I knew there was this good part, I wanted that compared to others. Some were cheaper and had better performance, but I preferred the newer one that had better performance and was more expensive but wasn’t needed. I could’ve gotten it cheaper and saved some money. I ultimately got the parts that were good for the price and don’t regret any parts I bought besides the memory, I feel I could’ve gotten a better one for a slightly bigger price or even the same price. 

  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and plans.

This transformation is significant to my life because it helped me learn the best ways to search the market and get the best price per performance. It helped and will help me restrain myself from buying parts that look the best but aren’t needed. This will help me in the future when buying more PC parts and other things I need to buy. The transformation is significant in my creative side because I am learning to restrain myself from being a perfectionist. Creating 3D drawings and products will be much easier now since I am learning to control my perfectionism.