STEP 2024 – From Fiber to Garment: An Exploration into Spinning, Weaving, and Machine Knitting

Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. 

For my STEP signature project I went through the process of making a garment from fiber to finished piece. I spun my own yarn, wound it into skeins, and then used either a knitting or weaving technique to create a sweater and a scarf.


What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? 

My STEP project significantly empowered me and enhanced my skills in creation and innovation. During the initial planning phases, I spent considerable time collaborating with my advisor, harboring doubts about my ability to manage such an extensive project. The prospect of committing a substantial amount of time and financial resources to a project in an area I had not previously explored was quite daunting. I felt a lot of pressure and anxiety that the project might not be enjoyable or that it might be too challenging to complete within the allotted timeframe.

However, the experience ultimately proved transformative. By the end of the project, I emerged not only with a renewed sense of creative energy but also with the affirmation that this is the type of work I am passionate about pursuing as a career. The process reinforced my belief that a career in textiles aligns perfectly with my aspirations and capabilities, and this project was instrumental in validating my commitment to this field.


What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?

The opportunity to acquire and utilize equipment that I would not have otherwise encountered has been profoundly impactful in my professional development. In particular, working with a spinning wheel has been an exceptionally rewarding experience. Although the learning curve associated with this equipment presented significant challenges, mastering it through dedicated practice has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the art of spinning.

The ability to exert control over numerous facets of the creative process has not only been empowering but has also significantly expanded the horizons of my practice. I now have the ability to work with fiber, color, and many other characteristics to create truly personal and professional garments. This opens numerous possibilities for future projects and innovations, thereby enhancing my creative capabilities and broadening the scope of my future.

Furthermore, this project provided me with the invaluable opportunity to collaborate closely with an expert possessing extensive knowledge and experience in the textiles field. Sasha, with her profound expertise, played a pivotal role in my development throughout this endeavor. She not only imparted essential technical skills that were crucial to the project’s success but also offered insightful guidance on the realities and nuances of working in the textiles industry from an academic standpoint.

Her mentorship was instrumental in navigating the complexities of the project, and her guidance has been particularly influential as I increasingly focus on a career path in research and development. Sasha’s contributions were fundamental in overcoming the challenges I faced, and her insights have significantly shaped and inspired my future professional aspirations. This collaboration has not only equipped me with practical skills but has also deepened my understanding of the field, laying a solid foundation for my continued growth and exploration in textiles.


Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.

This project has solidified my educational and professional trajectory, providing me with a clear and confident direction for my future endeavors. The skills and knowledge I have gained through this experience have greatly enhanced my readiness as I embark on the next phase of my academic journey. I now feel exceptionally well-prepared to apply to graduate programs, specifically those offering a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Textiles. The project reinforced my commitment to advancing in this field but has also equipped me with the practical experience and academic insight necessary for success in a rigorous graduate program.


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