Within my STEP Signature Project, I learned how to sew and learned how to create a hanbok. I was able to learn and practice stitches and patterns and how to put together clothing.
I changed in becoming a better person through my STEP Signature Project as I was able to become a much more patient and enduring person. I found myself growing more confident, though I did continue at a slow pace throughout the project. My view of the world changed as I learned of how much work and dedication goes into hobbies and businesses of the arts.
Learning how to sew was difficult and I gained a better understanding of how much effort goes into sewing and artistic creations. I’m used to watching very sped up videos on social media about sewing that makes it look much easier and faster than it really is. It takes a lot of concentration and practice, and I also transformed in working hard in practicing and perfecting my project. The process of sewing was slow and steady.
My mentor helped me a lot with encouragement when I felt frustrated. I have always been scared of needles and sewing meant I had to deal with that fear. I pricked myself several times and learned to accept mistakes and fears and overcome them. I learned to focus better for long periods of time and work on intricate details. I gained perseverance and patience in working on this project. I made many mistakes but learned from them each time.
With firsthand experience of spending so much time learning a new skill, I realized that it really does take a lot of time and effort for people to get to a place where they can seemingly effortlessly work on projects. Creating traditional clothing also made me gain newfound respect and admiration for my culture and learn more of it. The STEP Signature Project really helped me grow as a person in these aspects.
These changes and transformations are important and valuable for my life as I gained so many skills. Of these skills, I was able to obtain a new artistic skill and hobby of sewing, gain more experience in working hard and passionately in order to achieve a goal, gain a better understanding of cultural and artistic values, and work through and improve on patience, hard work, and perseverance that will aid me in my academic and professional goals of success. I have gained more experience in how to work through problems as well as how to express myself.