My STEP project was guitar lessons and a new guitar. I took weekly lessons from Vaughn Music studio in Upper Arlington and practiced different guitar techniques and exercises.
While completing my STEP project, I understood more about my learning process. Through my guitar lessons, I discovered that getting better at guitar required learning more about music theory and then putting that theory into practice. Having a better understanding helped me practice different techniques, scales, and progressions. My guitar instructor helped me reach a deeper understanding of guitar by helping me connect different ideas. Through my project I learned that it is important to both understand and put that understanding into practice. Practice was important even if I was struggling or unmotivated at first. Improving my guitar skills required understanding new information and working to practice what I learned. My instructor helped me get farther than I could have on my own. I think that this mindset is important to have when learning any new skill.
Another realization I had through my step project was how important music is to me, and how influential it can be. Playing guitar and going to lessons was always something I looked forward to, and it was something I could share with other people. I have used my guitar skills in student organizations I am a part of and with friends and family. I have also bonded with many people over music. I think that my STEP project helped me realize how much I enjoy music and helped me realize new ways I can share music with other people.
The lessons that I took for my STEP project and the relationship I formed with my instructor was one thing that led to the realizations I made. Without my instructor I would have had much more difficulty understanding complicated music theory concepts. Asking questions and experimenting was a large part of my learning process as well. My instructor helped show me several different techniques to remember difficult patterns and explained guitar theory I was confused about. He also introduced me to different genres and styles I may not have learned how to play. Through the relationship I formed with my instructor I learned how important it is to have a teacher and ask questions. Improving and learning was much easier with my instructor than on my own.
The time that I spent practicing the guitar also helped me come to my realization about how I learn. Without practicing consistently my progress was slower and I saw less of an improvement in my guitar skills. I also found that when I finally noticed an improvement it helped motivate me to practice. It was important to see how I was getting better and what I was struggling with. When I was unmotivated, doing songs that I enjoyed playing, or doing something new helped me. Through my practicing I realized how important it was to be consistent and committed when learning a new skill. I saw how practice helped me to improve and helped me grow my guitar skills.
The third activity that helped me come to the realizations I made, was the act of connecting with others over music. I have played with several other guitar players and we were able to teach each other new songs and skills. I was able to connect with others over my love of guitar and music. I was also able to play for several groups. I played for my friends and was able to use the guitar skills I had learned. We were able to connect over making music and having a good time with one another. Another way I saw the importance of music was through playing worship songs for others. Getting to use my guitar skills in that context was a big part of realizing how important music is to me. Whether teaching others how to play guitar, bonding over being musicians, or just having a good time with one another, I saw how important music is in my life and how much I enjoy it.
The change in the way I understand my learning process was valuable because it will help me when I learn new skills in the future. Throughout my project I saw how I learn best. When I try to improve at a new skill, I can remember my project and implement what I learned. I also realized how fun it was to improve at a skill and commit to working toward getting better. I saw how important it was to understand the context of a new skill, ask questions, and practice. Doing these things and remembering to ask others for help, will be important throughout my life both here at Ohio State and in the workplace.
The change in how I understand myself was also significant because it showed me how important it is to connect with other people. Music can be something that I connect to others with, and it helped me realize how simple bonding over music can be. In the future, music can be one way that I relate with other people and grow closer to friends and family. It showed me how I can continue to make music a part of my life in the future. My project helped me realize how important music is to me, and how music can bring people together in a way that nothing else can.