This summer I participated in a series of beginner photography classes through Shutterbug Photography here in Columbus. I completed two sessions of classes throughout an 8-week period, which consisted of small-group learning as well as group photography outings. Our instructor, Braddley Addams, was a great mentor and provided lots of individual feedback and even offered his advice & assistance outside of class.
These classes & this project came at a perfect time in my summer and college career. I was very conflicted about what to do for my STEP project since joining the program, but I decided on a creative endeavor because it allowed me to try something new, gain a new hobby & skills, and do something that is unfamiliar & different from what I am used to doing in a school setting. My summer was full of classes, work, and family commitments, so it was really nice to take a step away from all of that and do something for myself just because it was interesting and exciting to me. I am really grateful for the chance to pursue a hobby that I’ve been wanting to take up, and be able to do so in such an immersive way.
Having a great instructor, a small learning environment, and the time to practice outside of class made this experience a truly great & transformative part of my summer. Braddley was a very passionate teacher, and he was amazing at explaining basic photography concepts in a way that was easy to digest for someone totally new to the material. Additionally, the classes are kept small to encourage discussion & participation, and to allow time for individual attention. Finally, Braddley was always willing to help students and answer questions outside of class, and even met me at a local photography store to help me pick out equipment.
Aside from the collaborative & unique learning environment, the time of year made this experience particularly transformative. I’m really glad I did my project during the summer, because this allowed me plenty of time to practice the skills I was learning in class without the burdens of a normal school semester. Although I was still busy with summer classes & work, photography practice was always a welcome respite from my academic activities. This also allowed me ample time to be outside to photograph nature & enjoy the nice weather of the summer in a new way.
To that end, I’m really grateful for my STEP project and the resources that allowed me to have such a well-rounded summer. I was able to try something totally new to me, and gain all of the basic equipment & skills in order to feel confident in my photography abilities after just 8 weeks.
Picking up this hobby has proven to be not only a fun experience, but also a useful skill. My friends and family are now always eager to have me take pictures at gatherings, and I am glad that I can now do more with a camera than just hit a button to take a picture. Learning this new skill in a short time has also shown me how I am capable of learning in different environments, and how I am able to grow & practice in new ways. Picking up new hobbies & activities is always a good exercise in staying humble, appreciative, and eager in the context of a new skill. It is really exciting to learn something new and feel confident in your abilities, and I am really happy with how STEP helped me achieve that.