Photography Project (STEP)

My project for STEP was taking photography lessons during fall semester of 2020. I took two online courses, one for beginners and one to improve existing skills, bought a camera, and got the chance to take pictures of my friends and the places we explored during quarantine (safely, of course). I attended online classes once a week for a total of 10 weeks and learned about the technicalities of photography and how to best take advantage of my camera’s features.

Going into this project, I really had no idea just how many settings I could change on a camera. I had no idea what aperture or ISO were, or how they would affect the final image. These classes were so interesting and taught me more than I imagined I would. I have always been the photographer of my friend group, but other than that I had no experience in photography. Now that I have completed these two courses, I know so much about photography! The classes combined with my practice helped make choosing settings almost instinctual. I have a much deeper appreciation for photographers and the amount of skill and knowledge that goes into their craft.

The interaction that affected me the most during this project was the conversations I had with the other students in the second course I took. Every module had a discussion page where we could share our thoughts, questions, and even ask for feedback on pictures we had taken. I got to look through other people’s comments and questions and learn from their experiences as well as mine! It was so interesting hearing from people all over the country who were learning the same information as me, but interpreting it differently.

This project has also helped my creativity flourish. This summer in quarantine was a strange, repetitive time, and the opportunity to take pictures of the hikes I took, the parks I visited, and the few friends I saw helped me see the world around me in a new light. Now when I go on hikes I think about different angles I could use to achieve the perfect shot. When my friends and family come around, I end up thinking about different candid shots I could take of them (and often do). This change in my creativity is so valuable! I am going to be a teacher, so the ability to be creative in my instruction is crucial. Being able to change my approach to students as they need will help me be a more effective educator.



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