HAI Ireland Study Abroad

  1. The purpose of the HAI Ireland study abroad is to compare human-animal interactions in Ireland and the States. Students visited various animal facilities, such as a donkey sanctuary and the Dublin zoo, in order to learn how humans in Ireland interacted with various species of animals.

2. After this study abroad, I have gained social awareness and a deeper appreciation for Irish culture. Before travelling to Ireland, I have never fully immersed myself into another culture before nor have I traveled to a different country. While in Ireland, I was out of my comfort zone due to being immersed in a different country that functions differently than I am used to in the States, however I challenged myself to have an open mind and to have patience as I am adjusting to a new culture. Before this trip, I wasn’t aware of how much culture Ireland has. I got to learn about the history of Ireland and its folklore, which helped me gain a deeper appreciation for Ireland and my roots.

3. One experience on this study abroad that helped me gain a deeper appreciation for Irish culture was having an evening of folklore in Stag’s Head. There was a story teller that explained Ireland’s folklore and told stories that have been passed down though centuries. Most of Ireland’s folklore takes place in the fairy realm and acted as a karmic deity for humans in order to help them make good decisions. Most of the stories that were told to us were fables, in which the stories conveyed a moral. Learning about Celtic mythology has opened to my eyes to how deep the Irish culture runs and how it influences Ireland.

Another experience that helped me gain social awareness is visiting the seal rescue in Dublin. The seal rescue rehabilitates seal pups that have been injured or orphaned and releases them once they are healed. Touring this facility and learning more about the seal rescue demonstrated how selfless Irish society is. The seal rescue has 900 volunteers all across Ireland who are trained to help injured seal pups if they are beached on the shore and help transport them to the facility. The collaboration between many volunteers who strive to help injured seal pups showed me how compassionate Irish people are. This experience helped me gain social awareness because I was able to witness a culture that is different from my own come together as a community and collaborate to help injured seal pups.

One final experience that has helped me gain social awareness is visiting the FOTA Wildlife Park in Cork. At the wildlife park, I was able to witness different exotic and wildlife exhibits. One aspect of this experience that stood out to me is how many free range animals there were at the park. There were free range lemurs, wallabies, and peacocks that were roaming public areas. I was surprised to see this because free range animals aren’t seen at zoos in the States. Because of how many free range animals there are in Ireland’s wildlife zoos and parks, this demonstrates to me that Irish people have a high respect for wildlife and watch their boundaries, while in the States, people would try to go up to those animals and violate their boundaries by trying to feed them or other harmful tactics.

4. Learning about social awareness is valuable for my life because it helps me understand the perspectives of others who are different from me. During this trip, I learned to better understand the perspectives of Irish people, who belong to a culture that is different than mine. If I get the opportunity to immerse myself in other countries, I will already have the skills of social awareness that I learned from this trip. Building social awareness has allowed me to become a more open-minded individual and helped build positive relationships with the people I encountered on this trip. I have also been able to better appreciate Irish culture, which is part of my ancestry.