WW2 Study Abroad

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.

I went on a three-week WW2 study abroad trip in May, exploring the various sites in London, Normandy, Paris, Krakow, and Berlin. I prepared for this trip by taking multiple classes in the Spring semester, studying the time period and applying my knowledge through discussions and projects. I learned about different interpretations of the war and how they varied from the American perspective, and learned to think critically when it came to how facts are included or omitted to fit a historical narrative.

  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place.

This trip was my first time stepping foot outside of the U.S, which itself is a life-changing experience. I learned how to adapt to different cultures and communicate in multiple languages. I was struck by the similarities and differences to the United States. The cities were similar to the major cities in the U.S., but each had their quirks that made them unique. I was nervous and assumed I would have trouble adapting to each country, but I was surprised to see that despite the language barriers I was able to comfortably find my way. Most importantly, my view of history changed on the trip. I was struck by how different countries addressed their history and involvement during World War II. Each country portrayed a different narrative based on what facts they decided to include, or things the emphasized in museums and at other historical sites. I was able to compare what I observed to what I studied throughout the semester in class discussion and on my final project. I learned that history is driven by what is actually mentioned, rather than the facts themselves.

  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation.

My final project in the Spring semester was about Paris under the occupation during World War II. I learned about the hardships French people faced under the suppressive Vichy regime and German occupation. I also learned that despite some denial, many French citizens were collaborative during the war in the repression against Jews and other agendas of the Nazi regime. I found little acknowledgement in France of the role French police played in the round-ups of Jews in Paris and deportation to Auschwitz. They hailed leaders of the Resistance like Charles de Gaulle, and exaggerated its involvement and prominence in the war on some occasions. One museum even said France was relieved of the occupation “with or without the help of Allied forces,” seemingly forgetting the Americans and British who risked their lives fighting in monumental missions such as D-Day.

Other sites throughout the trip allowed me to gain different perspectives as well. I saw how Germany confronted their horrific past, and the ways Berlin continues to remember the war throughout the city, as certain parts of the wall and other historical markers remain. In Poland, I experienced how they felt losing their national independence and how they grappled with their own cooperation with the Nazis during the war. Interacting with local tour guides and historians allowed me to hear their perspectives and refine my own. It was interesting to see how different areas honored the war. For example, Normandy was littered with tributes to British, American, and Canadian troops who were instrumental in storming the beaches.

I matured as a person on this trip. I never knew when I would travel outside of the U.S., and thought this program was a great opportunity to expand my horizons. I learned to encounter customs, foreign public transportation systems in a different language, and how to communicate with locals. I experienced different cultures through their food, drinks, and environment and learned what they valued. In Britain, I saw pride and euphoria as we experienced all the coronation festivities. In Bayeux, many shops and restaurants were closed in the middle of the day, as I learned it was custom for people to spend that time with their families before reopening their shops in the evening. Paris, Krakow, and Berlin each had numerous town squares and parks where people gathered comfortably for relaxation and fellowship, contrary to the tense and tight feeling I often find in some American cities.

4. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.


This trip allowed me to become a more critical thinker. By observing what I was seeing and comparing it to what I learned throughout the semester, I was able to evaluate, reform, and strengthen my thinking on the topics of World War II. It’s a valuable life skill because I worked hard to research and become an expert on the topic, which had me prepared to face what I would experience on the trip. By applying my research and drawing conclusions, I acquired valuable life skills when it comes to preparing presentations at work and making an argument. I learned about some of the preparation it takes to become educated and lead others on an adventure like this, exemplified by my professors. I was able to get the most out of the trip because of the work I did during the semester, as connecting what I was observing to what I learned made the experience more valuable.

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