My STEP Reflection: Living and Learning in Madrid

It was never a question of whether I would study abroad in college; always a matter of when. Growing up outside of Chicago, in a sweet little town called Woodstock, Illinois, my parents set me on a track into the Spanish language that many young kids like me did not experience. From first through fifth grade I attended a bilingual elementary program, with half of my day in Spanish, and half in English. Originally intended for students trying to learn English, my entry was an opportunity to broaden my horizons and linguistic capabilities. My parents hoped this experience would allow me to understand how large and different the world could be, despite living in a small suburb and attending a small school. Being out of my comfort zone was a constant state of being, even in first grade, and as I grew accepting both my culture, and a mesh of Spanish roots and language, I began to anticipate a long and rewarding relationship with the Spanish language and cultural identity.

When I left the program, I not only left the friends I had made, from backgrounds vastly different and as rich in tradition as my own, but also felt the absence of the language. I began to look forward to my college years, where I toyed with the idea of studying in a country where Spanish was the norm, and not a language that the society struggled to accept. When the time came to look into schools, I really only had one preference: a school that could send me overseas. Ohio State was a perfect fit in that respect. I immediately searched for opportunities in countries where Spanish language and culture was integral to the societal norms. Madrid was always my first choice; Fisher’s student exchange program became my clear path.

I jetted off to Madrid two weeks prior to my abroad experience official start date, on January third of 2019. I allotted this extra time to get acquainted with my surroundings, and allow for some personal relationship-building with my new home. What did I do those first couple days in Madrid?


It took me about three days to muster the courage to leave my apartment for more than a trip to the grocery store. It was as if after years of building a rapport with this cultural identity, I fell flat into a state of fear and discomfort. I had, and have never, experienced anything quite like it. In all my mental, emotional, and physical preparation for my journey, I forgot to give myself a realistic review of my social abilities in this new culture, and for the first time, I had to face debilitating social anxiety. My typical outgoing-to-the-point-of-raucous nature was subdued; I doubted any Spanish speaking skills I had developed over the years and self-doubt clouded my vision, augmenting the insecurities I already held. My innately curious nature for cultural and historical notes in society was quashed by an overarching insecurity and absent sense of self. And thus began a new chapter of self-awareness that I developed during my trip abroad, and will, I imagine, stick with me through the rest of my life; In the six months that followed, I was forced to analyze my personal contribution in social interactions, and examine connections that transcended the barriers of diverging cultural identities. As I initially found excitement in traveling with no connections to Madrid, I found new anxiety in the lack of comfort and support in this foreign city.

Most people that know me from an occupational connection, or perhaps through my sorority, would refrain from labeling me as socially anxious; this is what remains, to this day, a barrier in relating my experience abroad to my friends back home. The first weeks, and even months, of my life in Madrid were spent in a perpetual state of unnerve and self-questioning. What remained through that period however, was a consistent effort to fight through this unfamiliar disconcertion, and a newfound appetite for profound connection.

I always reminisce on the sessions I had to prepare for my trip to Madrid, and the mentions of “networking” that would inevitably arise as an opportunity from life overseas. Now, months later, I could never compare the stresses of a business fair, or recruitment session, to the relationships I built in Madrid and in my travels. These relationships can truly stand the pressures of time and distance; they were assembled under those conditions. The closeness and connections that were built in the “abroad” climate had to come from a place of vulnerability, on either end. Such relationships dig under the surface of classwork and social cues; they had to trump the vast cultural ties that had cultivated the personality and ideas that we held closely for years. The ideals that made us who we are. In that sense, the last six months were the most difficult period of my life. Building these types of relationships with others required just as much analysis of my own perspective, prejudice, and preference. It was also the most rewarding and exciting time, filled with an incredible amount of personal growth.

Following my 5 months studying, my mom and I ventured on a two-week hike along the coast of Portugal, El Camino De Santiago, where I believe many of these realizations came to a forefront. This time alone gave me the ability to process my time abroad and understand the meaning that it would hold in the grand scheme of things. Returning to the United States was met with a complacent anticipation on my end, and an apprehension for the transition back to my “home” culture. However, it was accepted with a different state of mind; after the last six months, it is hard to look at any social interaction and societal norm the same. With each new experience and socialization comes an understanding of the nuances in culture that impact the way we behave, and the empathy that must accompany real connection.

Going forward, I know that my experience abroad will contribute to my development in many ways. I anticipate returning to Europe and have new hopes that my professional life will intertwine with foreign cultures. Though my relative direction in occupation remains unchanged from my experience, the conditions for my feeling successful and challenged have. My biggest requirement in that sense is that I continue to live professionally and personally in a state of compassion and curiosity that permeated my life in Spain, and led to allowing people and places into my life that will remain for years to come.


The Exploration of Tropical Marine Ecosystems – Turks and Caicos Islands

Name: Corrine Thomas

The objective of the Tropical Marine Ecosystems: Monitoring and Management program in the Turks and Caicos Islands is to explore the conservation of tropical marine ecosystems among the islands, the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the ecosystems, and the importance of ensuring that environmental management objectives involve and take into account the island community. This was studied through classroom learning/activities and field research which was completed via snorkeling and scuba diving.

Before the project, I would have described myself as timid and sometimes overly cautious in new situations or when completing new activities. However, while I was on the trip and in the moment, I was so excited to do and see everything that I was never hesitant or afraid. For example, the when entering the water for scuba diving, we completed a back roll off the side of the boat. As the action was explained on shore I thought “no way” to myself, but in the moment I did it without hesitation. Through this realization, I have learned that I am naturally outgoing and adventurous although throughout my life I thought of myself as otherwise.

Leading up to the trip, I did research of South Caicos in order to prepare myself for a new country and living environment. I assumed I would have an easy transition into this new environment of no air conditioning and not having a say in what food was cooked – for a month – as I have been flexible in other parts of my life prior, but I was wrong. Here, at home, I know a whole different day to day life that was so opposite I didn’t fully process my living environment on the island until halfway through the trip. Although the buildings, the roads, the food, the dorm situation and other aspects were opposites, I found that the people on the island were more down-to-earth and communicative than I had imagined them to be. With only about 1,100 people on the island, no television, little to no internet, and a community reliant on fishing exports, they were as eager to learn about me and my life as I was to learn about them. Before the trip, I never imagined I would be as close to the local community as I ended up being in the end, but the relationship was made possible through the local values of friendship and supporting one another’s endeavors no matter how different they may be. The ease of forming these new relationships helped confirm a previously known strength about myself, which is the ability to be outgoing as it relates to meeting new people.

Participating in actions I have never done before while seeing new ecosystems really encouraged me to not be fearful. If I was fearful and stayed on the boat then I could miss seeing an eagle ray or a shark that I would have seen if I was in the water. Though I never hesitated getting in, the first few times in the deep water I had to mentally calm myself to truly appreciate the environment around me. At the beginning of the trip, my underwater stress was displayed during scuba diving through the amount of time I was able to stay under with one oxygen tank – approximately 26 minutes – while the end of the trip I was able to stay under for a max of 52 minutes due to slower breathing and feeling relaxed. Throughout my repeated water experiences my mental state changed from focusing on myself to focusing on the fish, corals, and people around me. Though I always appreciated the beautiful ecosystem I was submerged in, I began to fully embrace my adventurous side as I completed more underwater activities.

Throughout the weeks, especially Saturdays, the student center where I lived focused on community engagement. Different activities with the locals of different ages allowed me to experience several smaller niches within the larger community. Early mornings there were trash pickups around the island that I participated in, which allowed for a time to communicate with the locals. The ability to discuss details about life and values in the United States versus life on the island both thirty years ago to currently encouraged me to appreciate the contrasts between the two cultures. It was through these conversations that I was able to appreciate the experience of the way I lived while on the island.

At the student center, we hosted a weekly community engagement for the children where we would play sports, do science activities, teach them how to swim and snorkel, and do crafts. This was a very special time for me as I was able to realize how amazing it was to be in that place with the knowledge and life experiences I had and how I wanted to share that with the children. Teaching a child named Tash to snorkel was the highlight of this experience for me. Though he has lived on the island his whole life, a little over 10 years, he has never seen the underwater world clearly. Snorkeling gave him this opportunity. We taught the snorkelers underwater hand signals and the first time Tash saw a fish swim by us he gave me the most enthusiastic “so cool” hand signal. Through my time of relationship forming on the island, I began to feel at home on an island I knew nothing about a year previously.

These personal transformations of being able to overcome fear through changing my mindset and gaining knowledge, both general and professional, through conversing with new people will aid me throughout the rest of my life. As the skill of being able to change my mindset becomes stronger, I will strive to utilize it in my personal and professional life. This skill matters to me because I can expand upon it in all aspects of my life and it can help me to be more open minded to new ideas, career fields, and cultures that I may have not have naturally gravitated towards on my own. As I have learned throughout the application of this skill during the project I do truly enjoy more activities and fields of study than I had previously thought and I am excited to use this new skill in the future. In my academic career I am going to put conversing with people, especially professors and educators, higher on my priority list to learn about other people’s passions and fields of study to expand my own knowledge. This trip has shown me that I enjoy a career field I never truly pondered or was able to experience and I look forward to having more of these experiences in my academic career. In my personal endeavors, I hope to be more open to asking people questions in order to learn from others and expand general knowledge. Throughout the trip, I learned that each person I was around had a unique knowledge of something I did not. Overall, I have become more open minded and passionate about exploring the world and people of the many cultures around me.