STEP Reflection

1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.

For my STEP Signature Project, I studied abroad at the University of Sydney in Sydney Australia, NSW. Using the grant offered by the STEP program, I spent one full semester exploring the university, the culture, and the country of Australia. I traveled both within the NSW region swell as across Australia and internationally into Southern Asia. I tried a variety of different foods, met many unique people, and trekked many miles across many different countries and cities.

2. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place.

I had very little change in perspective or understanding about myself as both an academic and a traveler. I have previously traversed across many different countries around the world and have lived in China and other exotic countries. Therefore, culture shock or distance did not affect me. Furthermore, Australian culture is remarkably similar to the United States culture. All basic amenities are recognized in Australia as well as the English language and other basic comforts.

With this being said, however, my view on the world did not change whilst in Australia, it changed while I traveled through Southern Asia. I have perilously visited many countries in Asia however during my travels this past semester I lived paying the lowest amount of money possible. Therefore, my standard of living, accommodations, and transportation were all less than ideal and very well below the first world luxuries that I as an American am used to. Although I have experienced immense 3rd world poverty and have lived in some very aggressively depressed regions. During my journey through Asia, I was able to see just how far out of touch societies such as those in Cambodia or Laos are in comparison to the United States.

3. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation.

I experienced a wide variety of different events, experiences, and relationships throughout my entire semester. Within Sydney, as a student of the university, I was able to weave myself into the local Australian community. By joining clubs such as the Rugby Club, or the Hiking Club I met many unique local Aussie students who taught me a great deal both about their culture and their way of life. although the United States and Australia are incredibly similar in many ways. Australia is a unique country that has a climate and ecosystem unique to only itself. Therefore, having local guides show the different places to fish, hikes to take, regions to visit. I truly feel that I maximized my time and was able to lead the most fulfilling semester possible.

With this being said, however, although I did not particularly change as a person. I did gain a massive level of cultural appreciation and understanding throughout my semester abroad. Through my travels to the countries of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore I was able to see all perspectives of the Southeast Asian lifestyle both in the first world lense of Singapore and the aggressively impoverished towns within the Cambodian countryside. Being able to travel to so many different places has given me a unique understanding of cultural differences and the universal struggles of society that reach all stretches of life. Just as we in the United States struggle and adapt to our climate and resources so to do the countries of Southeastern Asia which face scorching heat, torrential rain, and incredibly poor infrastructure.

All in all, I feel that I have become wiser throughout my study abroad trip. Through my different travels, the experiences I encountered, and the relationships that I formed. I have a larger pool of understanding, and empathy to make judgments and concessions for people within all walks of life. By leaving my own comfort zone of the normal, consistent, United States and journeying halfway across the world. I forced myself to appreciate and seek out what I found to be different or did not understand. Which, in turn, has granted me a broader scope of the world and ensue the people and communities within it.

4. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.

The growth I perspectives and understanding that I have garnered throughout my time abroad is invaluable. As a hopeful child advocate lawyer, I will be working hand in hand with people from all walks and diversities of life. Therefore, the best way for me to prepare for such a task is to increase my understanding of the world around me. I have grown up within a safe, comfortable bubble throughout my 21 years. Therefore, utilizing the opportunities granted to me through the STEP program to delve into something completely foreign was an opportunity that will forever shape the way I view other people. Although I do not personally believe that I have had an incredible epiphany and have traveled much before this semester abroad. There is never a negative to traveling it can only benefit and grow one as a person. And, I can confidently say, through my semester abroad my cultural palette has grown and such a base of information and experiences will benefit me socially, professionally, and personally for the rest of my life.