Name: Emma Jones
Type of Project: Education Abroad
This summer, I immersed myself in the Italian culture by living and studying in Perugia for five weeks. Over this span of time, I observed and analyzed the history and influence of Italian art. In doing so, I developed a deeper understanding of myself and the world.
While completing my STEP Signature Project, my understanding of what my life goals are and who I am developed immensely. As anticipated, I got to study Renaissance art in its historical and physical context. However, this experience was much more than a class in a foreign country. Studying abroad allowed me to see the overlap of the artistic world with international corporation and develop a better idea of future possible career paths. In all honesty, I did not believe there were realistic options for the merging of my passions, yet my experience in Italy changed this perception. Additionally, traveling alone at multiple points throughout my trip helped me gain a greater sense of independence, courage, and sheer awe of the world. I was residing in a country unknown to myself, where they spoke a language I did not speak, yet I still navigated the country while creating meaningful relationships and memories. My STEP Signature Project gave me the faith in myself and my life path that is essential to entering the post-graduate world.
My international journey to self-discovery began immediately with the start of my STEP Signature Project. On May 23rd, I left the United States for Rome, Italy; I had traveled alone before, as well as internationally, but the two had never merged in my life prior to my departure. As stated earlier, I do not speak Italian nor had I visited Italy before, so I was understandably nervous. Further, I had never navigated such a large city by myself, which contributed to my nerves. Yet as soon as the plane landed, the nerves were replaced with excitement. Over the next two days, I guided myself through famous sites like the Colosseum and the Pantheon, as well as untraversed paths across the city. I discovered traditional cuisine, expanded my basic Italian, talked with kind locals, and examined some of the greatest art in the world. Forthwith upon arrival, I not only explored my vulnerabilities and anxieties, but I found joy, fulfillment, and self-reliance. Without haste, I emerged myself within a new culture and began to strengthen my understanding of I am.
Similar to my beginning, my excursion ended with me traveling alone once more, but this journey consisted of more goal-oriented discovery than my first mini-trip. The second-to-last weekend in June was the last weekend of my program, and I journeyed both by myself, with my class, and with my friends to Florence. I traveled with my class from Perugia to Florence, where we met our professor for two days of instruction within some of the most grandeur museums and cathedrals in the world. Exploring with a group of acquaintances gave me the opportunity to continue to expand upon my adaptability and self-confidence with people from a myriad of backgrounds. Additionally, with Alessandra (my history of art professor) guiding our group, I gained insight on possible business career paths that intertwine with my love for art history, from web designers to corporate art consultants to public relations specialists. Nonetheless, I only encountered more self-discovery on my own and with my friends in my remaining time in Florence.
During the remainder of my time in Florence was perhaps one of my favorite times of self-exploration. Another passion of mine is the fashion and beauty industry, and Florence undoubtedly dazzles in this category. From the intricate artisanship of individual street craftsmen, to the historical and bedazzling awe of brands like Gucci and Versace, the fashion faction left me without words. I could feel an undeniable magnetism toward this world, and plan to pursue this pull in the Fisher Career Fair this upcoming fall. At this time, I reflected on my time in other major cities like Milan, Venice, and Rome, and found my common attraction to art and fashion universal. Even in smaller cities like my hometown of Perugia and the neighboring Assisi, I found myself being drawn to these commonalities in an indescribable way. After leaving Italy the following weekend, I felt a great since of melancholy, as I knew I would miss my time there, but the country ignited a spark within me that I know will not be extinguished any time soon.
I knew my time in Perugia, Italy was going to be transformational, but I had no idea as to what capacity until I completed my project. As predicted, my educational experience abroad allowed me to further progress my minor and knowledge of art history. Moreover, I had the privilege of absorbing a new culture while simultaneously proliferating my self-reliance and self-confidence. However, it was what I did not expect that left the greatest impact on me: it was the friendship I formed with the local baker despite a large language barrier; it was the true passion for fashion I held in my heart yet only fully discovered in Italy; it was obtaining two best friends from different backgrounds who I may have never known otherwise; it was the comfort yet wonder I developed for the world around me. Going forward, I plan to pursue my love for artistic creativity in my corporate career, starting this fall as previously stated. I also plan to continue to evolve in my mindset through future travels and, in the words of Anthony Bourdain, explore parts unknown. I left Italy more curious, confident, and committed to both myself and this world, and I am certain I will not let these traits wane.