Finding Myself Abroad


For my STEP project I studied abroad in Leiden, Netherlands. I was able to immerse myself into the Netherlands culture while expanding my knowledge by taking courses at the oldest university in the country, while also traveling to other countries over the weekends and breaks. 12 countries, 6 months, and the journey I will be discussing is the difference between the two pictures.

Before this project I was a shy and timid person that would rather have others make my decisions for me. After this experience I am walking away a much stronger and independent woman. I was the only one from Ohio State that attended this program. I had to do a lot of things by myself that I had previously had the assistance of others for. I was a worrier that would rather sit out than participate for fear of what might happen. Before this trip I wouldn’t have jumped off a small creek cliff but my last week abroad I jumped off a fairly tall cliff in Croatia. It felt empowering and crazy. I feel like I finally know how to live life and take chances. Even if they are a little scary. I still feel true to my roots and that I am

I was content with my life before I studied abroad. Content can be a good thing, but it’s not how I want to look back and describe my life. I was a shy and timid person that worried about coming across as stupid or silly. I struggled making decisions and I was a people pleaser. Not necessarily poor qualities to have, but it was to the point that it was holding me back from experiencing things in life. Returning from my study abroad that timid, shy girl that was letting life pass her by is gone. I now feel empowered and control of my life. I go after things and do things that scare me a little. Last summer I wouldn’t have jumped off a low ledge into the river, but this summer I jumped off a high cliff in Croatia. I’ve literally taken leaps and bounds in becoming a better version of myself while I was abroad.

A huge reason this transformation took place was because I was alone. I was the only Ohio State student that attended this program. It was very intimidating and caused some really low lows during my time there. I had to do everything on my own. Things I probably should have been doing myself for a long time, but every single aspect of my life I felt alone. I had to set up a new phone plan and get my residence permit. I had to navigate a whole new country alone. My very first day I did not take out any cash at the airport. I went to the grocery with my roommate and they ended up not accepting my credit card. Luckily my roommate was able to spot me, but that was something that hit me really hard. It was something my parents would have normally taken care of. I remember breaking down crying after that experience, I realized I was alone. That I was going to need to do things for myself. There were still plenty of times I called home crying trying to figure things out, but for the most part I picked myself up and accomplished what I needed to do. Being alone really forced me to grow up and become independent. It forced me to make decisions and it was very empowering. I feel much more equipped to me independent in the future.

Traveling to twelve different countries really helped aid my transformation. Many decisions and planning went into traveling. It forced me to grow up and decisions on what I wanted to do. I was content to go along with others plans and take a back-row seat. This experience put me in the driver’s seat. From small things like what I was going to have for dinner each night to large scale what country I wanted to go to – I was forced to step out and up. I had to decide what I wanted this trip to mean and what I wanted to come from it. Doing this for six months has helped me realize that I need to continue with this behavior. I don’t ever want life to pass me by. I want to make conscious change to be in charge of my own life. I feel much more confident in knowing what I want.

An incredibly unexpected aspect that changed my life while I was abroad was transportation. Going into my experience I was expecting to fall in love with so many things. Sights, food, maybe even a boy. What I wasn’t expecting was to fall in love with public transportation. I was able to take a train and be in another city in ten minutes, in a few hours, I could be in a different country. I was amazed by all the different options I had to get places. The metro, the bus, the tram. I conquered all forms of public transportation. My main means of transportation was a bike. I rode it almost every day I was there, and it had many positive impacts on me. Although a slightly silly way to put it, it probably became one of my best friends abroad. It saw my happiest times when the sun was shining, and I was taking it all in, but it also saw my stressed and sad times when I hopped on the bike to try to clear my head. It helped me mentally and physically get in better shape. I have found an outlet for myself that I hope to continue using here in the states.  All these different methods of transportation made me realize how far behind the U.S. is in this area. It ignited an interested in being involved in policy surrounding this topic. I hope to be a part of change and innovation in the realm of U.S. transportation policy.

This trip was truly transformative for me. I feel like I have returned as an enhanced version of myself. All these different aspects I have touched on will lead me to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. I came back with a new love for myself. It has given me the confidence to go after what I want which will assist me in all aspects of life but is especially important as I gear up to start finding a job for after graduation. It has given me a passion area that I plan to pursue as a career path. Overall, I came back with more than I left with. I will cherish these memories forever.

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