Berlin Then & Now STEP Experience

For my STEP Signature Project, I attended a Study Abroad program in Berlin, Germany.  My classmates and I lived in Berlin for four weeks and were fully immersed in the culture through a variety of tours, activities and individual exploration.


While I had already traveled to Europe previously with family, this was my first time living in a European city for more than two weeks.  Additionally, it was the first European trip I’ve taken with people my own age.  Throughout the trip I gained an appreciation for spontaneity in my life.  While I’ve always been a fairly spontaneous person, I found during my program that my favorite days were always the ones that did not follow a strict plan or timetable.


Berlin’s diversity and size made it possible to discover new things no matter where I was, and many of them I just so happened to stumble upon.  My carefree spirit was certainly satisfied during my trip, as I made sure that each day was an adventure.  I truly lived every day in Berlin to the fullest, and was happy to find that many of my classmates were interested in doing the same.  Although I have only been back in the States for a short time, I can tell that my new and improved spontaneity is here to stay.


Berlin is a very large city.  With its size comes opportunity for any adventure I could imagine.  Berlin’s rich history inspired me to explore every inch of the city I could find – from lakes and beaches to famous monuments and landmarks.  The overall feel of the city was incredibly accepting and open, which enabled me to be myself and feel free to spend my time as I wished without being labeled as an “annoying tourist.”  I didn’t worry about what others thought of me as I experienced the city in my own way – at my own pace.  The freedom from judgement helped me feel more at ease with myself and my environment.


The support of my classmates and instructors made me feel secure enough to explore Berlin and all it had to offer.  Their support helped me gain an increased sense of independence because I knew I was never truly alone.  Both instructors were patient and helpful, and their classes taught me about the history and language of Berlin, which I found very useful.  My individual explorations built on their lessons as I experienced Berlin through a more hands-on approach.  The tours and museums we visited showed me what I was most interested in and helped me seek out other similar excursions on my own time.


The freedom of our schedule was a gift.  Meaningful classes prepared me for free time I could do with what I liked – from exploring Berlin’s most famous cathedral to relaxing in the Tiergarten.  I decided to make the most of my free time, but I wanted the liberty to explore at my own pace with my classmates.  This freedom allowed me to live my life in the most spontaneous way I can remember, and the experience was so very freeing.  Without many worries or concerns, I truly made the most of every moment and did not regret getting lost or creating last-minute plans that always showed me something meaningful or exciting.


My independence has always been important to me, even when I was a little girl.  While it’s never been a struggle for me to remain independent and free-thinking, I became even more confident in myself as I handled new situations brought on by living in a different city with a different language.  In this way, I loved getting to know myself at a deeper level.  I was exactly my own self and own person, and the trip helped me think about my life as a whole in a clearer way, with more opportunities than I ever imagined previously.  This self-awareness will help me succeed in my career because I know that I am capable of succeeding in whatever I set my mind to accomplish.  My future success will be thanks to my self-confidence, because I know that I can achieve greatness as long as I believe in myself.  I know that I can forge my own path, which will help me accomplish great things.


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