STEP REFLECTION – The London Theatre Program

STEP Project
1 September 2018

The London Theatre Program is an OIA affiliated study abroad trip in which students view and analyze dozens of theatre productions. We kept extensive journals and presented on many different productions that forced us to investigate art, British culture, and intense social topics.

Going into this project I knew that it would have an affect on my artistic ambitions and my ability to dialogue about theatre, but this project accomplished this and more; This project helped me to realize a new depth of my independence. During the month spent in London I viewed and analyzed nearly thirty works of theatre. In the process, I discovered certain artistic aesthetics that I would not have discovered under other circumstances. These artistic discoveries made me realize what kinds of theatre and art in general that I want to make and support. Furthermore, the act of viewing so much theatre has made me so hungry to get back and create more theatre of my own. I now have a clearer vision of what I want to create and how I want to go about creating my theatre. These changes have truly made me feel like a new artist.
The more personal changes that I have undergone occurred due to the immersive nature of the program. Being in another country allowed me to explore my independence like never before. The success and mistakes that I made abroad helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses as a person. Together these personal and artistic changes that I experienced made me feel like a new person ready to attack my dreams, goals, and aspirations with newfound zeal.

The three most instrumental changes caused by this program occurred to me at the very beginning and end of my stay in London. The first one occurred on the third or fourth day when we watched our first production in London, Flesh and Bone in Soho Theatre. This was a small production about the lower-class citizens of London. It was produced by people not too much older than my friends and I. This was so inspirational, as it made me feel like the prospect of creating theatre was so much more plausible than before. To see people my age make meaningful work was just what I needed, as I am striving to create my own art within the next year.

The second amazing experience to happen while in London occurred in two parts. The first part began with a guest speaker name Sifiso Mazibuko, a graduate of Ohio State and current cast members of the legendary Hamilton. He was a truly inspiration speaker. Aside from his humility and down-to-earth advice, it was an overall uplifting experience to see a young-black man with a family thriving in the theatre world. The second part of this experience occurred the next week when I went to see Hamilton and witnessed the most iconic modern musical for myself. To see such a stellar, diverse production gave me something to push toward. I think for the first time I wanted to be a part of a musical in future. I actually felt like I could do it because there were people who looked like me on stage. Furthermore, this experience reinforced my desire to advocate for diverse representation on the stage.

The last major transformative experience I had related more toward the culture of London. I was able to meet with one of my mom’s friends and his coworkers for lunch near the end of my experience in London. During this conversation my friends and I were able to talk about certain global issues and how we can make change with issues using our own talents, knowledge, and gifts. These experiences together helped make this STEP project a truly transformative project.

My newfound independence and desire to produce my own art is very important to me, as I plan to make my art my career. My dream is to be able to reach a point where I can sustain the life I want to live on my art alone. To accomplish this goal, I must pursue my art with great passion and constancy. My independence and passion will help me take initiative in creating my own art and promoting myself. I have learned in the arts you must look at yourself like a personal-small business. You have to teach yourself, find your way, and make informed decisions. The changes that this project has caused with in me will help me reach out for help and give help when needed; thus, allowing me to pursue my career more efficiently.

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