Canadian Parliament Internship Program

During the months of May and June I participated in the Canadian Parliament Internship Program as my STEP Signature Project. The time I spent in Canada taught me a vast amount about myself, professionally and personally, developed writing skills that will help me communicate in an efficient manner, became exposed to a foreign governments function, and observed the nuances that make it different than the United States, as well as a broad idea of the day to day life of a public official

While working in the office of MP Bryan May, I came across a newfound confidence that I did not obtain prior to the internship. Going into my project, I was often timid and reserved in expressing my political views. After a few weeks, MP May’s office truly helped me break out of my shell and exert my ideologies with confidence. This particularly helped me develop professionally; however, simultaneously it helped foster confidence in my personal life. This, in turn, contributed towards adjusting my writing style in a manner that was clear, concise, and confident.

Observing a foreign government put me in the situation in which I could no longer wholeheartedly believe the United States government was the most efficient across the globe. Prior to departing to Canada, I held the conception that the United States had the most fluid and efficient form of government. After experiencing Canada’s Parliamentary system, I came to realize that I held a form of tunnel vision solely by being American. Once departing home, my mindset has changed in which I believe the United States has a multitude of ground to make up if they want to be as efficient as a Parliamentary system.

I primarily found confidence in my views through daily office discourse. Communicating with others in an open, accepting discourse on a daily basis. Aside from work-related projects, my colleagues and I would discuss current topics of both the United States and Canada. Coincidentally, this also gave me insight into the feelings Canadian’s have towards American politics.

Once I got the hang of articulating my personal ideologies verbally, I was able to apply this confidence in my writing. When I would write to constituents, it would be in a concise and respectful manner that clearly demonstrated the views of MP May and our office. Not only was I tasked with writing correspondence, but I was also given the opportunity to draft speeches which MP May would deliver on the floor of the House of Commons and at community events. Exposure to such tasks only bolstered my confidence in my writing and pushed me to achieve a greater sense of responsibility in the office. Acquiring skills such as these were helpful in Canada, but they will also contribute towards my growth academically and professionally.

One of the most impactful situations I was put into in Canada was being able to visit MP May’s congressional district. Being able to witness the way he carried himself and represented his constituents both at home and on Parliament Hill gave me true insight into the role of a politician. During events in Cambridge, he took the time to get out in the community and hear concerns directly from the people he represented. These concerns were then reciprocated in his day-to-day work on the hill. I have worked in offices before in which I would respond to constituent concerns via email, but witnessing it first-hand provided a picture of what democracy truly is.

Particularly, I have noticed that my writing style has progressed significantly since I have returned from Canada. Under the supervision of an incredibly intelligent staff, I was able to acquire a toolkit of skills that I will be able to use both throughout the remainder of both my academic and professional careers. Among these skills range from extensive planning prior to writing to elaborating in detail on ideas that may seem minute but serve a greater purpose.

Given that I aspire a career in public service, being exposed to situations such as this helped provide me an understanding of the roles and responsibilities I would be tasked with. I was truly amazed by the way MP May served as a delegate to his community and I am beyond grateful to have learned from a leader like him. Understanding the way he ran his office and conducted his duties will serve as a framework that I will follow in my personal endeavors.
<a href=””><img src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-5″ /></a>

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