Engineering of Ancient Greece

Name: Peter Bosworth

Type of Project: Education Abroad

For my Step Signature Project I decided to travel and study abroad in Greece alongside 25 other Ohio State students and two faculty members. We each researched an Ancient Greek site prior to departing and gave presentations so that the whole group learned about each place we would be visiting. Over the course of the trip we traveled to seven different cities while learning and experiencing the culture of Greece.

Before completing my Step Signature Project, I had never really been exposed to a different culture and lifestyle than what I was used to in America. In less than two weeks I learned how people all the way across the world lived a similar, yet also very different lifestyle. Being exposed to societal norms that are different than what I’m used to here in Ohio made me realize that I should always keep an open mind when meeting new people rather than making judgements. It’s very important to understand that what one person may find weird and unusual, another person just views it as a regular way of living.

One of the first times during the trip where I learned to keep an open mind was going out to dinner on the very first night. People in Greece usually eat very late dinners compared to us Americans, and this was something I was not used to. The menu was full of options, most of which I didn’t fully understand and had never heard of before. I asked the waiters what they recommended and ended up having one of the best meals of my life. Had I not been open to these recommendations by people who make up the Greek culture, I wouldn’t have taken any chances and gotten to experience some of the amazing food the Greeks eat.

Prior to departing for Greece I didn’t know a single student in the group that I would be traveling with. By being accepting of not only the Greeks, but other Ohio State students, I met some of the nicest and friendly people I know. Every night something fun and exciting would happen as we explored a new city almost every night. Had I not been open and accepting to the new people in my life, I would’ve missed out on so many friendships and great memories.

Keeping an open mind, not being judgmental and accepting people who are different than you is very important for professional goals and future plans. No two people are the same in the world and therefore at some point in everyone’s life they will be exposed to someone who shares different political views, religious beliefs, interests, fashion, etc. If you make an initial judgment to not open yourself up to someone different than you, then you are automatically closing doors that may lead you to a successful path in life. By keeping an open mind you may be able to make key connections to start your professional career, discover something new about yourself, and achieve personal goals with new opportunities you may be presented with.

One thought on “Engineering of Ancient Greece

  1. Peter, it sounds like this trip was really beneficial for you. It’s awesome that you felt comfortable just being open to whatever experiences came your way, that’s definitely a great way fully immerse yourself in a new culture. Thanks for sharing!

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