Pura Vida Costa Rica!

My STEP signature project was the Environmental Sustainability in Costa Rica study abroad trip run by the School of Earth Sciences. This was a 10 day trip throughout different ecosystems and locations in Costa Rica.

Being able to visit a new country, especially one in which English is not the primary language, definitely opened up my eyes more to the views of people in Central America, their way of life, and the beauty of places outside of the United States. Being able to talk to some of the locals and learning how they themselves react to what goes on in America really showed me just how influential and powerful our country is, outside of our own world views. Putting myself into the shoes of the Ticos, escaping from the United States, and just enjoying living and learning in this country really impacted my life in a powerful, lasting manner.

As we hiked through National Parks, took boat tours up rivers, and lounged on the beach, I realized more than ever the importance of protecting our natural lands from the greediness of humans, something that the Ticos work so hard to balance. Witnessing the biodiversity that is found throughout the country, and knowing that one day it could be greatly diminished due to changes occurring in our atmosphere, was a painful reminder of just how fragile our planet is, and just how much work needs to be done to protect it.

This transformation is extremely important to me due to the fact that I am a huge nature lover, and birdwatcher. It has inspired me to continue my travels around the world, learning the stories of people from all over, and focusing on how we can work together to protect and care for this planet that we call home. The Ticos live it each and every day, something we as Americans can take to heart and learn from. Pura Vida!

For more information about daily events, or to see some more photos of Costa Rica, and birds, visit my personal blog, “A Birdwatcher’s Life” here!

