Sarah Collins Study Abroad_Australia and Fiji

For my STEP signature project, I traveled to Australia and Fiji for an outdoor leadership training adventure. We went on countless adventures from hiking the Blue Mountains, to surfing on Manly Beach Australia, and kayaking around Kandavu Island, Fiji.


Before I boarded the plane for this trip I wanted to meet new people and experience a new culture. It was my first time on a plane since going to Boston, Massachusetts in fourth grade. I did not know that one group of people, a stuffed backpack, and a handful of plane tickets would change my goals for the future.

This trip has renewed my sense of adventure. I wake up every morning eager to try something new. I wrote my bucket list and imagined the future upon my return to the United States. My future went from predictable to daring. I spent the following months at my internship dreaming of sky-diving, climbing the Grand Canyon, and traveling to Europe.

In Australia I went snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. I swam in company with a massive sea turtle, a 3-foot shark, a clown fish, and vibrant species of coral. On the snorkeling trip we jumped off of a boat and the waves began to crash over our heads. It stormed that morning so the waters were rough. While snorkeling, a wave slammed my body against a stinging coral. I felt my skin tear and I was reminded that the ocean is invigorating, yet powerful.

In Australia I signed my name on the list to go Bungee jumping. Walking up flights of steps to reach the platform was nerve-racking. I reached the top of the platform, tied the bungee around my feet, and looked down. I knew it was going to be exhilarating. Before I could think twice, I was head first and shooting towards the water. My head became submerged and I propelled back up towards the sky. It was in that moment that I realized that sometimes one has to give up complete control of a situation to experience the wonder. The thrill of the fall outweighed the risk.

We spent multiple days hiking in the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. The first night we strapped on our head-lamps, tightened on our backpacks, and headed down the trail. The trails were full of large rocks, obstacles, and slippery paths. I learned how to bear crawl up the side of a cliff, and I climbed up a stairs bolted to the side of a waterfall. The beauty of the mountains was surreal.

In Suva, Fiji we boarded an overnight ferry to take us to Kandavu Island, Fiji. We unrolled our sleeping mats and prepared to sleep on the swaying ferry. Our tour-guide told us that the trip was going to take a very different turn. After a restless night’s sleep, the ferry landed on the island. We were instantly greeted with many villagers saying “Bula!”, which means hello in Fijian. I have never felt so welcomed in my life. The people of Kandavu Island have little belongings and huge hearts. There is no currency on the island, so if they want to make a purchase they have to take the overnight ferry inland. The children spend their time playing rugby, and running around the village.

The people from Kandavu Island taught me what is important in life. They had no electricity, but they were some of the happiest people I have ever met. They had strong relationships with each other and they were surrounded by natural beauty. They took so much pride in where they lived and where they are from. We grew amazing friendships with the people in the village, and I keep in contact with them today. The people in Kandavu,Island were brimming with adventure. They had no mirrors in their homes, and they did not need mirrors to reflect their value. I realized how much time I previously wasted on materialistic, surface level distractions that did not add to the value of my life.

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This transformation is valuable to my life because it has shifted my life goals. After experiencing a life full of adventure and new experiences, traveling is one of my top priorities. I switched my major from Finance to Operations Management and Logistics the day before I left for the trip. Going to Australia and Fiji has solidified this decision. I am even more interested in international logistics. I am hoping that my future job gives me the opportunity to travel. There is so much to experience and I want to take in as much as I can. I remind myself every morning, “be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”.

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