The Ohio State University

STEMERs Conferences of Interest

We welcome comments, suggestions, recommendations, and reminders about upcoming conferences and proposal submission deadlines.  Here is a starting list:

Psychology of Mathematics Education (PMENA) – Greeneville, SC November 15-18 ( Proposal submission deadline mid January

Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) 2019 International Conference  –  Savannah, GA January 3-5 (

Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) – Lewis Center, OH, January 28 – 29 ( Proposal submissions deadline early October

Math Education and Society (MES10) – Hyderabad, India Jan 28- Feb 2 (

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE ) 23rd Annual conference – Orlando, FL February 7 – 9 2019 ( lProposal submission deadline early May

Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC) – Columbus, OH February 12-14 (

International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education Edition 8 –  Florence, Italy, March 21 – 22, 2019 ( Proposal submission deadline early November

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2019 Research Conference – San Diego, CA, April 1-3 ( Proposal submissions deadline early September

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2019) – Philadelphia, PA, June 23 – 26 ( Proposal submission deadline mid September

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2019 Annual Conference and Exposition – Tampa, FL, June 24 – 27 ( Proposal submissions deadline early October

Cognitively Guided Instruction National Biennial – Minneapolois, MN, June 24 – 26 (

Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 43) – Pretoria, South Africa, July 7- 12 (

Free Minds, Free People – Twin Cities, MN, July 11-14 (

International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modeling and Applications (ICTMA) – University of Hong Kong, July 21 – 26 (  Research report submission deadline January 15th

International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICME 14) –  Shanghai, China, July 12 – 19, 2020 (

European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 13th Conference — Bologna, Italy, August 26- 30 (

Appalachian Ohio Mathematics and Science Teaching Research Symposium (AppO MaSTRS)  — Athens, OH, September 2019 Dr. Theodore Chao was keynote speaker last year (

Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics 69th Annual Conference (OCTM) – Sandusky, OH, October 23 – 25 (