
Mirrors Sophomore Class Honorary

Interested in being part of an honorary organization during your sophomore year? Mirrors Sophomore Class Honorary, is based on high standards of scholarship, leadership, and service, through which each member expresses a belief in individual responsibility, group leadership, and university service. The honorary also provides many service opportunities throughout the year, including heavy involvement with the James Cancer Center-such as organizing our annual dance to benefit the Cancer Center. Application for this organization, opens on November 28th, 2016 and closes January 22nd, 2017. To apply, click here.


Survey for a research study

Second-Year Scholars, last year, you participated in a survey for a research that examines how influence spreads within groups. The online survey takes approximately 30 minutes and asks you to indicate how often you interact with members of the group and also asks a few questions about your attitudes and opinions about politics. Each individual who participates for the first time will receive a $10 gift-card to either Kroger, Amazon, or Target. Each individual who participates in the study for the second or third time will receive a $15 gift-card to either Amazon, Kroger, or Target.

The current group response rate is at 66%. Please, help us represent STEM EE Scholar and complete this survey, if you have not. The survey will be kept open until the end of November because of low response rates. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact Lauren Ratliff at

To complete survey, click here.

Politics & STEM: Artifact Page

A couple of weeks ago, during our first-year scholar seminar, we talked about how politics influence the fields of STEM. This letter highlights why we should continue investing in STEM as a business model. The article is not only interesting, but could also serve first-year scholars as inspiration for their artifact page.

Dear Mr. Trump

Internship Process

Scholars, today Stephen Wu and Alice Li, organized an event for STEM EE Scholars regarding the internship process. Although, it was a first-year scholars’ event, I believe this event would have been great for second-year scholar, as well. If you would like to access the presentation, this is the link.

Second-year scholars, I hope to see you more often in future events. I think you can really learn a lot from the events and get to know your mentees better.

Navigating the Internship Application Process

Chimes Junior Class Honorary

Second-year scholars, applications will be opened on November 28th to apply Chimes Junior Class Honorary. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Alex Lacey.77 or Sky Wong.3175. If interested, Nathalie Milbrandt.3, third-year scholar, can provide you with her personal experience with this organization.

Chimes Junior Class Honorary is an honorary specifically for third year students Established in the spring of 1918 at The Ohio State University. The founders, Harriet Day and Helen Dustman wanted to create an organization based on the three pillars: scholarship, leadership and service. These two women, along with six others were the first members of this all-female honorary. During one of their initial meetings, the founders heard the Orton Hall chimes ringing throughout and selected the name Chimes for this organization.



Useful Apps

Scholars, we have created a page that lists mobile apps under the Resources’ Menu. We hope that these apps will  enhance your college career and professional network. As we move forward, we will continue to add more helpful apps. If you know of great apps, let Courtney Campbell.1807 or Jorge-Eduardo know about them. Last week, Liam Stalker, informed us about the app, Pocket Points. You earn points by not using your phone in class and by recommending people to use the app (Liam’s code is C96ap).

STEM EE Scholars

Maryland Football Watch / Tailgate Party

brutusEnjoy an afternoon watching the Buckeyes play against Maryland, on SaturdayNovember 12th from 3:00pm-7:30pm. There will also be crafts, face painting, and board games. Pizza and refreshments will be provided for students that RSVP. Please RSVP to let us know you are attending. We need to know you are attending as soon as possible.

Note: I am extremely proud to work with all of you from First-Year to Third-Year Scholars. I want to continue feeling proud and perceive you as the professional that you are. For this to continue, I want to ask for your commitment in regards to event attendance. To avoid underestimating materials/food or being profligate consumers, it is important that you RSVP to certain events, and attend. Event coordinators will keep track of students that lack this professionalism.

Why is having a LinkedIn profile so important?

First-Year Scholars, this week during class, we will be talking about digital tools. We will also be creating a LinkedIn account in class and discussing the importance of having an account. Some STEM fields, tend to utilize this tool more than others. Nonetheless, it is important to enhance your professional-online presence, regardless of your field.

Second– and Third-Year Scholars, I encourage you to create an account too. I will be creating a STEM EE Scholars’ LinkedIn profile, soon.

Why is having a LinkedIn profile so important?

STEM EE Scholars Leadership Council Application

Scholars, I want to invite you to apply to the leadership council positions for STEM EE Scholars. This semester, I have seen leadership qualities in many of you. Please, consider applying to this positions, in order to contribute and improve this program. Applications are due by 11:59 P.M. on Sunday, November 27th, 2016.  *Apply early for priority consideration. To apply, click here.


Breaking the Silence with Edward Snowden


I am enormously excited to invite you to attend a live stream, from Russia, with Edward Snowden on WednesdayNovember 30th. We will meet outside the Union Performance Hall at 7:00 PM. STEM EE Scholars will have the opportunity to ask questions to Edward Snowden!

Chloe ten Brink, First-Year STEM EE Scholar, is involved with OUAB, and has allocated 70 tickets for STEM EE Scholars. If you want to secure your ticket, please RSVP no later than 5:00PM on Friday. You can learn more about this event in this article.