Groups like have revolutionized computer science education for the elementary school and junior high levels. But the revolution has not yet reached high-school STEM courses like physics, math and chemistry. The STEMcoding project exists to re-imagine introductory STEM courses with computer science in mind.
The STEMcoding project involves three things: (1) fun, interactive coding activities designed for high-school physics, and eventually math and chemistry, (2) we offer professional development to science & math teachers, especially in Ohio, (3) we partner with existing camps to offer “Physics of Video Games” activities for high school students in Columbus and eventually in other parts of Ohio.
The STEMcoding project is led by Prof. Chris Orban in the physics department at OSU and Prof. Richelle Teeling-Smith at the University of Mt. Union.
If you feel so led to donate to the STEMcoding project (Great!) you can click the donate button below to learn more about how to donate and what the funds would be used for. Thank you for considering our organization! If you decide to donate we will publicly acknowledge your contribution (if desired).