First Impressions of Ohio State – Noah Steele

My first impression of Ohio State brought more to my mind than I had expected. The campus was buzzing, students were eager to start a much anticipated school year, and I had already made friends in my Scholars program. Wiggling my way through the crowd of packed sardines, I found many clubs that I am interested in joining at the involvement fair. My first thought for classes however was not the same as the surrounding environment. Because I am in the Knowlton School of Architecture, I was getting ready to jump in and start building and designing things right away…I could not have been more wrong. Learning the basics is the first step, and just like its principle, everything starts from the ground up. I am looking forward to dive deeper into the architecture major and I cannot wait to see what else Ohio State has to offer me.

Noah Steele – About Me

I am entering Ohio State this year as a freshman studying architecture. Building and designing have always been things I have enjoyed doing since I was a kid, and sports have played a big role in my life as well. I plan do join several clubs in college and have already joined one this summer: SERVitecture. This past summer, SERVitecture took a trip to Toronto where it was partnered with Habitat for Humanity. Whether it was days spent working on the build site or walking around the streets of Toronto, the week long trip was a great and eye-opening experience for me and I cannot wait to see what more Ohio State has to offer.