Week 9 – Communication

Say that again?  Did you hear me?  What does that mean?

These are all results of poor communication.

In some situations a lack of communication can be very, very detrimental to the outcome of goals, projects or even relationships. Communication has definitely been a topic that I struggled finding a a happy medium in. When I was younger I was very reserved and didn’t really share too much with too many people. In high school I had select few friends that I chose to confide in. As I started college I realized how important and necessary it is to voice yourself and express feeling without bottling things up. This process caused for emotional self control and actually expressing myself which was a struggle by itself. Then my junior year I furthered my communication efforts by working on transparency from emotional intelligence modules we went through for my sorority. Transparency is a very effective and useful skill to have especially when your trying to get others to invest in what your trying to convey. Transparency becomes an issue when others can see emotions that are negative and disrupts productivity. I have been told that I wear my emotions on my face or in my body language. I don’t quite know how to fix it but everyday I am working on it.


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