Update 1.5

During the last print cycle, I noted that a sensor in the y plane of motion was not triggering correctly. It is intended to act as a notification to the card that the print bed has reached its maximum movement in that direction. It was not doing so and thus the motor would grind for up to 5 seconds before the built in override stopped it.

As this was abnormal, I undertook corrective maintenance on the printer. I have found the error, a pair of loose screws of an incorrect size that blocked the complete movement of the bed, and since have exchanged them for a better design. I also found the cooling fan for the board was starting to fail, and have swapped it out for a new unit. Neither of these changes directly effect the print quality of the selected test product, acting more as a support to the overall printer.

During this time, a cleaning of the hot end was initiated, which culminated in a non related print failing due to improper reassembly. I then managed to correct this error, however I had to further re-calibrated the printer to account for deviations in thread usage.

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