ALAN RANDALL: SRE’s Integrated Assessment Modeling Team

ConveAlan Randallning the Integrated Assessment Modeling team has been important component of my duties in the first year of my rather modest part-time appointment as SRE Resident Scholar. The idea can be traced back to a 1-day workshop of SRE affiliated researchers at the beginning of summer, 2015: perhaps SRE should aspire to developing an Ohio State integrated assessment modeling (IAM) platform that can be applied to a wide range of potential applied studies in sustainability and resilience. Because there are quite a few IAM platforms already up and running, some of them very well known, an Ohio State IAM platform makes sense only if we can leap-frog the competition – that is, recognize the key limitations of existing state of the art IAMs and develop a platform that resolves some of the those issues.

So we assembled an IAM team – Bhavik Bakshi, Jeff Bielicki, Antonio Conejo, Joseph Fiksel, Elena Irwin, Alan Randall, and Brent Sohngen – and recruited several GRAs willing to work part-time with the IAM team: TJ Ghosh, Nicolas Irwin, Jonathan Ogland-Hand, and Shaohui Tang. First-year tasks included

  • IAM modeling: reviewing the state of the art in IAM – objectives, approaches, successes and limitations – with particular attention to recent developments, perhaps generating publishable review articles in the process; deciding on modeling approach(es) that we might pursue; and getting started.
  •  Taking a leading role in developing two proposals to NSF’s Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems, INFEWS, program: on energy systems and CO2, and land-lake implications of food and energy systems in the Maumee Basin.

At the end of Spring semester 2016, we agreed to form sub-groups to pursue four mini-projects, recruiting colleagues as necessary from among SRE’s affiliated researchers:

  •  LCA-CGE: endogenizing prices and introducing equilibrating features into life cycle assessment models, by integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Computable General Equilibrium modeling
  •  Land-lake dynamics: making models of land-lake interactions more truly dynamic, with a view to better characterizing the dynamics of ecosystem services production
  •  Preparation of review article manuscripts: we determined that a comprehensive review article seemed infeasible (several such articles had been published recently, and the field had grown so large that comprehensive review articles were unable to achieve much depth). But there is scope for review manuscripts on two key sets of issues – we will draft manuscripts reviewing and critiquing the state of the art regarding
    • Uncertainty and validation in IAMs
    • Linking and scaling in IAMs

At our mid-October team meeting we will review progress on these 4 mini-projects.

This brings us to the beginning of SRE’s second year. While the IAM team was doing the things summarized above, much of SRE’s attention was focused on a very successful effort to recruit talented new faculty and post-docs. An important objective for the IAM team in AY 2017 is to integrate newly appointed talent, especially those focused on modeling, into the team’s program. This must be done in the context of several SRE efforts to encourage team-building and networking,

including the topically-oriented networking forums to be introduced in Autumn 2016 and a one-day cross-cutting workshop currently in planning. We expect new interdisciplinary teams and projects to emerge from these activities, changing the landscape in which the IAM team works. In the coming year, we will be focused on finding the IAM team’s place among an expanding group of SRE collaborative activities. Perhaps the IAM Team will evolve and thrive as SRE’s intellectual resources grow rapidly. Perhaps it eventually will be subsumed within other collaborative structures yet to emerge. But either way it will leave its mark on SRE and the larger scholarly enterprise.

H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco Visit

HSH Prince Albert II speaking about the future of sustainability at the Mershon Auditorium on Aug. 31, 2016.

H.S.H. was shown around campus in order to introduce him to some of the many sustainability initiatives Ohio State has supported and instituted. He was shown the Venturi Buckeye Bullet, Ohio State’s electric race car, and he was also introduced to some of the University’s research and academic initiatives surrounding sustainability, as well as the Zero Waste program in Ohio Stadium. SRE Leaders at the Research Luncheon for H.S.H. included Mike Boehm, Elena Irwin, Katrina Cornish, and Melissa Amos. H.S.H. later gave a speech and participated in a fireside chat about the importance of access to clean water, biodiversity, climate change, his Foundation, and the future of sustainability.

Read more about the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation here, and look here for an official bio of H.S.H. For a full video of his speech and the Fireside Chat, see this video produced by Ohio State.



Welcome New Faculty

SRE hosted its New Faculty Orientation on August 16, 2016. The new team members were welcomed by members of the SRE Leadership team, including Nick Breyfogle, Linda Weavers, Robyn Wilson, Erich Grotewold, Rob Greenbaum, Elena Irwin, and Joseph Fiksel. Speakers at the orientation included Vice Provost for Academic and Strategic Planning Mike Boehm, as well as Office of Energy and Environment Director Kate Bartter.

Following the more formal portion of the Orientation was an informal luncheon geared towards acquainting the new faculty with other engaged SRE faculty. The luncheon also included a game of volleyball, where both existing and new faculty were able to showcase their athletic prowess.

SRE is very pleased to welcome our new faculty to our driven and collaborative team!

Both new and existing faculty enjoying good food and better conversation at Fred Beekman Park.
Both new and existing faculty enjoying good food and better conversation at Fred Beekman Park.


Greetings from Elena Irwin and Joseph Fiksel


It’s an exciting time at Ohio State. Sustainable and Resilient Economy is one of eight major new programs funded by the Discovery Themes initiative. We have created a ground-breaking interdisciplinary program that connects and supports faculty in various departments and centers across the university who are pursuing research and education in the broad arena of sustainability and resilience. We are partnering with many of these departments to hire new faculty members who will collaborate to address today’s grand challenges, including climate change, social inequity, and resource scarcities. This newsletter features our 2016 new hires—an outstanding and diverse group of faculty members who will join the many distinguished scholars already contributing to this broad and growing field. Please join us in welcoming them to the Ohio State community. To learn more about how you can engage with the Sustainable and Resilient Economy program, please visit our website at or contact Melissa Amos at 614-292-3732.