My Research

On the set of “Watch Your Language” with Zach Sherwin and Nicole Holliday, 2016


LSA Meeting 2013, Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research panel, with John Rickford, Katie Carmichael, Anna Babel, Kevin McGowan, and Jen Nycz

Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Processing, 2016









Squires, Lauren. 2020. Indexical bleaching. In Stanlaw, James (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2020. Experimental approaches. In Bas Aarts, April McMahon, and Lars Hinrichs (eds.), The Handbook of English Linguistics, 2nd edition, 45-61. [link]

Holliday, Nicole R., and Lauren Squires. 2020. Sociolinguistic labor, linguistic climate, and race(ism) on campus: Black college students’ experiences with language at predominantly white institutions. Journal of Sociolinguistics. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2019. Genre and linguistic expectation shift: Evidence from pop song lyrics. Language in Society. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2018. Review of Discourse-pragmatic variation in context: 800 years of LIKE, by Alexandra D’Arcy. English Language & Linguistics. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2017. Mini-experiments for teaching across the English linguistics syllabus. American Speech 92(2): 231-252. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2016. Processing grammatical differences: Perceiving v. noticing. In Anna Babel (Ed.), Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research, 80-103. Cambridge University Press.

Squires, Lauren (Ed.). 2016. English in Computer-Mediated Communication: Variation, Representation, and Change. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Squires, Lauren. 2016. Introduction: Variation, representation, and change in English in CMC. In Lauren Squires (Ed.), English in Computer-Mediated Communication: Variation, Representation, and Change, 1-14. De Gruyter.

Squires, Lauren. 2016. Stylistic uniformity and variation online and on-screen: A case study of The Real Housewives. In Lauren Squires (Ed.), English in Computer-Mediated Communication: Variation, Representation, and Change, 213-240. De Gruyter.

Squires, Lauren. 2016. Computer-mediated communication and the English writing system. In Vivian Cook and Des Ryan (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System, 471-486. Routledge.

Squires, Lauren. 2016. Twitter: Design, discourse, and the implications of public text. In Tereza Spilioti & Alexandra Georgakapoulou (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication, 239-255. Routledge. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2014. Social differences in the processing of grammatical variation. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 20(2) (Selected Papers from NWAV42). [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2014. Knowledge, processing, evaluation: Testing the perception of English subject-verb agreement variation. Journal of English Linguistics 42(2): 144-172. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2014. Talker specificity and the perception of grammatical variation. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience (formerly Language and Cognitive Processes) 29(7): 856-876. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2014. Class and productive avoidance in The Real Housewives reunions. Discourse, Context, & Media 6: 33-44. [link]

Squires, Lauren & Josh Iorio. 2014. Tweets in the news: Legitimizing medium, standardizing form. In Jannis Androutsopoulos (ed.), Mediatization and Sociolinguistic Change, 331-360. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2014. From TV personality to fans and beyond: Indexical bleaching and the diffusion of a media innovation. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(1): 42-62. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2013. It don’t go both ways: Limited bidirectionality in sociolinguistic perception. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17(2): 200-237. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2012. Whos punctuating what? Sociolinguistic variation in instant messaging. In Alexandra Jaffe, Jannis Androutsopoulos, Mark Sebba, & Sally Johnson (Eds.), Orthography as Social Action: Scripts, Spelling, Identity and Power, 289-324. Mouton de Gruyter (Language and Social Processes).

Squires, Lauren. 2011. Voicing “sexy text”: Heteroglossia and erasure in TV news broadcast representations of Detroit’s text message scandal. In Crispin Thurlow & Kristine Mozcrek (Eds.),Digital Discourse: Language in the New Media, 3-25. Oxford University Press (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics). [pdf]

Queen, Robin and Lauren Squires. 2011. Writing a Dissertation (In the Profession column). Journal of English Linguistics.(Invited) [link]

Squires, Lauren and Robin Queen. 2011. Media clips collection: Creation and application for the linguistics classroom. American Speech 86(2): 220-234. [link]

Squires, Lauren. 2010. Enregistering internet language. Language in Society 39(4): 457-492. [link]

Baron, Naomi, Lauren Squires, Sara Tench, & Marshall Thompson. 2005. Tethered or mobile? Use of away messages in instant messaging by American college students. In Rich Ling & Per Pedersen (Eds.), Mobile Communications: Re-negotiation of the Social Sphere, 293-311. London: Springer. [pdf]

Squires, Lauren. 2004. College students in multimedia relationships: Choosing, using, and fusing communication technologies. American University TESOL Working Papers 2. [pdf]