
  1. Wetlab training (if applicable)
  2. Regular meetings
    1. Gpmtg M 930-11
    2. Project meetings
    1. Carbone Lab meeting Th 10a
    2. CoMS workshops [ bi-weekly, Wed ]
    3. 1:1 (use “Focus Time” if necessary)
  3. Computational Training
    1. R/RStudio
    2. GitHub
      • Create account and send username to DS to be added to the spakowiczlab organization
      • We recommend interacting with git through the application GitHub Desktop.
      • Brief tutorial
    1. OSC
      1. DS will invite you to the relevant project
      2. Tutorials and Training
    2. Library events
      1. Basic and advanced PubMed workshop
      2. Zotero training
  4. Identify Key background papers for project
    1. Zotero shared dir
    2. OneDrive
      1. pdfs
      2. PowerPoint presentations from journal clubs
  5. Locations of data
    1. OneDrive
    2. GitHub 
    3. T: drive
    4. OSC
  6. Setup in lab systems
    1. Google docs
    2. GitHub
    3. Slack
    4. Zotero
    5. ORCid
    6. Outlook Calendar 
    7. OSC
  7. Other communication
    1. Introduction @ CLM Fri
      1. Other faculty who regularly attend:: {Carbone, He, Memmott, Kaufman, Dikov, Owen}
      2. Schedule presentation 
    2. Key lab member interactions:
      1. Caitlin Sanders [[ admin ]] 
      2. Other lab members (project-specific)