Key Areas

For Group Q’s AEV Project, there are certain aspects of the product-building system that are more important than the others. In this case, the parts of the product design that are the most important, in order of preference, are:


  1. Functionality- The overall function of the completed AEV is the line that determines whether the project is a success or not. As such, making sure the AEV works perfectly is the top priority.
  2. Cost Effectiveness- As the AEV is technically a product, making sure we are able to ensure its profitability is important. Because of this, we will make sure that it is comfortably within our bounds to create and upkeep the AEV.
  3. Aesthetics- Once again, as the AEV is technically a product, making sure the consumer actually cares for the AEV is something we should be aware of. That is why we will remain conscious of the overall design and appeal of the product.