
Our Mission

The mission of our company is to provide a safe, efficient, and environment friendly mode of transportation to people across the country.

Target Consumer

This AEV was designed to sell to cities, such as Columbus, who have a large portion of the work force that lives outside the city and requires public transportation to arrive in the city to get to their job. The AEV will provide efficient traveling to and from outlying areas to the cities. They are electric vehicles so they will have less of a negative impact on the environment as busses.


Propellers, finalizing design,  servo calibration, code for performance tests, and safety

These priorities were determined by testing the AEV and using each individual item to improve the efficiency of the design. For one the propellors were tested to see which blade style was the most efficient in terms of power it provides vs the energy it used. The AEV will coast to a stop as it is smoother and safer to the passengers than the abrupt stop that the servo produced.


Final Costs

Capital Costs: $152,954

R&D Costs: $69,154

Safety Violations: $40,000

Average Run Cost: $642,267.88

Total Costs: $904,387.29