Progress Reports

Report of Progress 1

Situation: Group Q has completed all of the labs and exercises that were required. Recently the group accomplished writing all the basic coding functions need to operate the AEV (Advanced Energy Vehicle). The basic code functions had to be understood by the team in order for them to optimize the efficiency of the AEV (Appendix A). The group had to reference the Preliminary Research and Development Lab Guide (PRD) to learn what the code did and how it affected the physical components of the AEV such as the propellers and reflectance sensors (Group Q Website).


Results and Analysis: Group Q recently acquired multiple data graphs through a performance analysis tool (Appendix 2). The group had to utilize their personal time to come into the open lab to construct these graphs due to a reflectance sensor error in an earlier lab. Since the code was already given to the group, the data in the graphs was almost identical to the reference data as well as other groups in the project company. The graphs showed a positive relationship between energy and power usage to the distance/time that the propellers and reflectance sensors were active.



-the less energy usage the group has towards the beginning, the more energy they can afford to use towards the end of the run

-the more aerodynamic the AEV is, the less energy will be needed to maneuver the track

-the group needed to critique all group member’s designs to design the best AEV part for the grant

-weight reduction is key in designing a new part for the AEV


Future Work

Situation: The next step for group Q is to finalize AEV design using previous rough sketches made by the team. This is the next step because the design is needed to test energy consumption and use as a basis for cost calculations. Group Q is in the progress of submitting a grant proposal to provide funds for possible designs and part costs.


Upcoming Goals: Group Q’s wants to get funding through a grant proposal. After the proposal is testing their code and whether it is able to properly transport the AEV. The code will also be tested with the AEV design for energy consumption analysis and resistance reduction. Group Q will provide their status and progress in the upcoming committee meeting.


Upcoming Schedule: Group Q’s schedule consists of meeting up every Monday during Open Labs 6:15 to 8:15 pm in Hitchcock as their designated lab work time as well as every 8:00 am on Fridays. The next meeting is for deciding a prototype design and editing it to increase efficiency. Rebekah is head of AEV design, such as the grant proposal and combining the team’s ideas, while David and Ramin are in charge of documentation and coding, such as website documentation. Brandon has completed some parts of website documentation but has limited participation in the group because of his schedule limitations and the refusal of cooperation.


Progress Report 2

Situation: Group Q has completed all labs and the Preliminary R&D, and completed the code and testing for the performance test (Appendix A). They also finalized their AEV design and completed battery testing from their methodology. They also presented their grant proposal but didn’t receive any funding.

Results and Analysis: Group Q has finished their battery testing and realized that after accelerating the propellers when running the motors with a constant power it uses less energy rather than accelerating the motor to gain speed. The group has used an open lab to complete their second methodology, which required testing for the reflectance sensor. The group has also found that a pull system with the propellers requires less energy than a pull system.



-accelerating the motors to a speed required more energy than just initializing the motors.

-using the propellers to pull the AEV will use less energy than pulling the AEV.

-the reflectance sensor does not read the marks 100% correctly and will be needing to adjust for.


Future Work

Situation: Group Q has finished writing the code for Performance Test 1. Group Q now has new tasks such as finishing up methodology 2. They are testing the reflectance sensors and how certain arms and the positioning itself of the sensor might affect energy usage. They will have to write sample code, run the various trials, and write the methodology as so the other groups in the company can use the data. Group Q will also need to do the R&D Oral presentation. They need to complete this in order for them to stay on track with the class and to let the other groups know how they are progressing through the project. They will complete this by agreeing to meet after class on their own time.

Upcoming Goals: The main goal that Team Q is working on is Teamwork. The group has rarely had trouble with an assignment, but the issue of how the work is divided throughout the group needs work. There have been times where certain members have had considerably more or less work than they should have. The group is trying to work on compromise skills as well as expressing how certain tasks need to be completed. The next major goal is coding the AEV for Performance Test 2. The group has already started working on creative ideas on how to complete the task through words, but they now need to express that in terms of code for the Arduino.

Upcoming Schedule: Ramin and David has been assigned to mainly work on the website and code for the AEV. Rebekah has been in charge of the physical AEV and methodology 2. Brandon has been tasked mainly with R&D Oral Presentation and what topics will need to be covered. Group Q will be meeting in Scott House after class Wednesday, March 20th and Thursday, March 21st.


Progress Report 3

Situation: Since Progress Report 2, Group Q has completed the second Performance Test (Appendix A), the initial Oral Presentation, and the third Methodology (Appendix B). For the second Performance Test, our group wanted to test how efficient our updated AEV design was at picking up and delivering passengers. For the Oral Presentation, our group was tasked with updating the project leaders on our findings from the first two project reports. For the third Methodology, our group tested whether a “sheath” would increase the efficiency of the AEV through aerodynamics enough to counteract its production cost.

Results and Analysis: Group Q received a perfect grade for the second Performance Test while maintaining a quick and efficient journey in terms of time and power (Appendix A). Our AEV is currently working at expected levels and can complete the assigned task. In terms of the Oral Presentation, the group’s current financial budget has been compiled, and looking at the budget given initially, our group will just make it under the budget (Appendix C). With the third Methodology, the AEV’s efficiency does not increase from the addition of a “sheath”, and the addition does not impact the “running” of the AEV in any meaningful way (Appendix B).


-Our current updated AEV design is effective at completing all tests given and should be able to complete the final Performance Trial.

-The AEV design process will stay under budget as long as no outside interference is introduced.

-Introducing a “sheath” to the AEV design, while decreasing wind resistance will not increase the overall efficiency of the AEV, and other such ideas will most likely follow suit

Future Work

Situation: The next step for group Q is to develop the poster draft for the final presentation and the final performance test. The poster is an essential part of the presentation and essential to provide details of our project. Group Q is in the process of developing the software (Appendix D) to transport passengers to their location safely. After the data has been collected, the Critical Design Review and Website will be updated accordingly.

Upcoming Goals: Group Q’s next goal is to successfully transport passengers through the final performance test. After the test, Group Q is presenting the project to the City of Columbus. After the presentation Group Q will submit their Critical Design Review (CDR) and update their website to provide information to the masses.

Upcoming Schedule: Group Q’s current schedule consists of meeting up during available times to work on any assignments not finished in lab time, such as the CDR and presentations. The next meeting is to finalize the presentation poster and improve the design and information stated. After is to edit the code on the AEV to make runs more consistent and efficient. The final team positions are the following: David Chen is the main coder and Public Relations, Ramin Patel is human resources and design developer, Rebekah Spence is Research and development as well as the documenter, and Brendon Edwards keeps track of finance and costs.