Preliminary Designs

Designed by: Ryan Devolve

This design is based off of the SR-71 Blackbird aircraft used by the United States Air Force.  If this design is suitable for the Air Force, it general design should also be effective for the AEV.  The overall aerodynamics are much better than the original, bulky design from the sample AEV.  The aerodynamics are important because it will ensure that power will be conserved as much as possible to power the motors.  Also, the “rocket” features will provide a sleek design aspect, while at the same time providing a place for the battery to be stored.


  • aerodynamics
  • optics


  • size
  • feasibility
  • cost

Designed By: Brian Higinbotham

This design is based on slight modifications of the model AEV. The main modifications being with slight aerodynamic advances, and different weight distribution of the AEV. The front of the Control System is shielded for less drag and ease of wire management. The design is much more modern and sleek which cuts down on the unused area of the frame on the AEV. The design is very tight and compact which cuts down on the mass needing to be accelerated by the motors. The arm is centered for a better center of gravity making the design more balanced. The motors run the longer propellers that capture more surface area, therefore, giving more propulsion.


  • aerodynamics
  • size
  • feasibility
  • cost


  • none

Designed by: Paige Steffen

This design is based off of NASA-X and features more streamlined edges. This will help the AEV to move more efficiently across the track.  The smaller size of the AEV will also keep its mass lower so that the electric motors will be able to propel the AEV faster.


  • aerodynamics
  • size


  • mobility
  • feasibility
  • cost

Designed by: Megan Myers

This design is based off the Concorde jetliner. This was the first commercial super sonic jetliner. This will help the AEV with speed and keep a thin design. The bigger size will allow for more stability as it moves along the track.


  • aerodynamics
  • optics


  • size
  • feasibility
  • mobility