
The Distance versus Power graph for the AEV shows how much power the AEV exerted as the distance from the starting position increased. It is noticed that the most power was exerted between 0.33 meters and 0.44.

The Time versus Power graph for the AEV shows where the most power was exerted as the time increased from zero. From 0 seconds to approximately 3.3 seconds, the power is increasing at what  can be best described as linear. And then the slope is approximately zero from 3.3 seconds to 4.89 seconds where a sharp increase in power is noted. At all these points, the slope of the power is changing because the AEV is accelerating and decelerating at these points.

Coasting Graph

Braking Graphs

Above are the graphs used for aR&D 3 when deciding on whether to implement a coasting or braking mechanism. It was found that while coasting was more efficient, it took too long for it to be useful, therefor a combination of the two was used.