Power consumption graphs

The three graphs below follow the code below.

accelerate all motors from stat to 25% power in 3 seconds. Then run all motors at 25& speed for 1 second. Then run all motors at 20% power for 2 seconds. Then reverse all motors and run them at 25% constant speed. the brake all motors.

This is the power vs time graph for the code above, Group Q found that when starting at an initial volume quickly starts at high initial power but quickly goes down to a constant power

This is the power vs distance graph for the code above. Group Q found that most of the distance relied on coasting rather than actual acceleration.

This is the Energy vs Time graph for the mode above, Group Q realized that energy consumption seems constant even though the code is different.

This is the Total energy vs distance graph for the code above. Group Q found that mode of the Energy is used in the first 0.01 meters, which is most of the codes, acceleration and motor activity.