February Meetings

On 2/01/19, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 9:20 am to discuss AEV Exercise 3. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. A decision needed to be made about the best way to disconnect and reconnect the AEV to fit in the container because the AEV was too tall to fit in the box. It was decided that the AEV will be disconnected at the screws connecting the upper and lower halves. The team had to update the website and create their individual design creation by their next meeting.


On 2/11/19, Team O met in Thompson from 7:15 to 10:30 pm to discuss Progress Report 1 and the Grant Proposal. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. It was decided that, Brian will work putting together the AEV design to be used in the grant proposal. Megan will work on the concept screening and scoring for activity five. Ryan will work on the PowerPoint and presentation for the grant proposal. Paige started the progress report, and when all other tasks were finished, everyone began to pitch in on the progress report. It was felt that this would be the best way to evenly split up the required work. All aspects of the required work have been finished the way they were described. It was felt that this would be the best way to evenly split up the required work.


On 2/15/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 224 from 8:00 to 9:20am to discuss the Grant Proposal. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. A decision was needed to determine who would present the material. Megan Myers was chosen. It was decided that the angle that the proposal would take would be from increased aerodynamics and a better center of gravity. This was decided because it would emphasize the most positive light in order to increase its marketing potential.


On 2/22/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 224 from 8:00 to 9:20am to discuss the methodology for aR&D 1 and 2. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. A decision was needed to determine the what research the team would complete and to also corroborate with the other divisions of the company to determine their research topics. It was decided that Team O would conduct research on motor direction and center of gravity.