March Meeting Minutes

On 3/01/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 8:55am to discuss and perform aR&D 1. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The final code for the different motor directions was determined and the testing for the pull motor was completed. Then the data from the Arduino was uploaded and then graphed in order to analyze the results.

On 3/03/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 8:55am to discuss and perform the second half of aR&D 1. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The differences between the codes for the push and pull motors was determined. The testing for the push motor was then completed. This data was compiled and uploaded. This data was graphed in order to determine the differences between the push and the pull motor.

On 3/05/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 224 from 8:00 to 9:20am to discuss performance test 1. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The code was discussed to determine the best way to has the vehicle stop at the gate. It was decided to base the code on time rather than marks because it would allow for greater freedom to fine tune the code.

On 3/18/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 8:55am to discuss performance test 1. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The specific times for each section of the code was determined and the total time was found to be 17.20 seconds. This code was tested to multiple times to conclude its consistency in order to be tested for accuracy at performance test 1.


On 3/20/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 8:55 am to perform performance test 1. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The testing was done at the beginning of the class period in order to complete the test while there was time. This allowed time to begin coding for performance test 2. The test was completed without complication, enabling the ability to continue to the next section of code.


On 3/22/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 224 from 8:00 to 9:20 am to give the R&D oral presentation. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. Team O was the third group to give the presentation. The mistake was made to include video in the presentation, causing a minor inconvenience with starting the presentation. The presentation went well and all members spoke their part with a level voice and consistency. This will then be built on for the final oral presentation.


On 3/25/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 8:55 am to discuss performance test 2. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The code for the attachment of the AEV to the caboose was finished, with added changes to account for the added weight of the attaching mechanism. This change was accomplished by adding time to each section in order to account for the extra weight.


On 3/27/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 308 from 8:00 to 8:55 am to discuss performance test 2. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. There were some unforeseen errors in the AEV performance prior to performance test 1. The AEV, when switched to different batteries, did not go the same distance in the same amount of time. Due to these errors, the AEV performance testing was pushed back to 3/29/2019.


On 3/29/2019, Team O met in Hitchcock 224 from 8:00 to 9:20 am to perform performance test 2 and attend the second committee meeting. It was attended by Paige Steffen, Megan Myers, Ryan Devolve, and Brian Higinbotham. The committee’s other than finance all met to deliberate on progress and what needs to be done in the future to complete the project. The AEV, for performance test 2 was fixed of its problem on 3/27. This allowed for the completion of performance test 2 without error. Due to the issues that were found prior to performance test 2, it was decided that the code needs to be switched from time to marks.