January Team Meetings

First Meeting:

Date: 1/11/19

Time: 8:00 AM

Attendees: Joseph , Michael, Siddharth, Cody

Location: First Lab Period

Things Discussed:

  • Informal means of communication between the group members – GroupMe app.
  • The programming of the two fans and how it should be handled.
  • When to meet again with specific tasks.
  • Future – We have made plans to meet during the weekend, on Sunday to discuss more about every person’s activity and responsibilities in the group.
    • Siddharth Patel is assigned to groupme 30 minutes before the meeting time to remind them that there’s a meeting.
    • Joseph, Siddharth and Cody were assigned the task to create a Team working agreement, that will be used to keep order between the group throughout the semester.


Second Meeting:

Date: 1/13/19

Time: 6:00PM

Attendees: Joseph, Michael, Siddharth, Cody

Location: Thompson Library

Things Discussed:

  • How we will divide the work among all 4 members of the group throughout the semester.
  • Created the website and filled in the first information in it.
  • We did this team meeting minutes assignment.
  • Future – For Future we have made plans to remotely edit the website in our own time and add as much information we can about the projects.
    • The Team Meeting Minutes assignment was assigned to Siddharth Patel.
    • The website update assignment was assigned to Michael and Cody.


Third Meeting:

Date: 1/18/19

Time: 8:00AM

Attendees: Joseph, Michael, Siddharth, Cody

Location: Hitchcock 224

Things Discussed:

  • Uploaded AEV documents to Carmen
  • Built AEV (main body)
  • Coded AEV program for Lab Week 2
  • Updated Website Progress Report, Deliverables, Format