Performance Testing

Performance Test One


  • Performance Test 1 tasked Group H with coding the AEV to travel from the launch point to the gate, stop for 7 seconds and then continue through the gate. This task was completed without any issues and Group H was able to move to performance test 2.



listed in code section of website



Performance Test Two


  • Performance test 2 tasked group H with coding the AEV to complete the requirements of Performance Test One as well as stop in the landing zone, pick up the payload, and pull the cart out of the landing zone.



listed in code section of website



Final Performance Test


  • The final performance test was compiled of performance tests one and two as well as stopping at the gate while coming back and then proceeding through the gate when it opens and then stopping once again in the launch zone thus completing all tasks assigned for the performance tests.


  • The final budget was also taking with the numbers from the final performance test. The costs were: $12500+$500/joule of energy used , $90000+$1500/seconds, capital cost for all materials, and lastly penalties. The final budget is displayed below.




listed in code section of website 



Shown above are the power vs time and power vs distance graphs for the 2 final performance tests. The second performance test used slightly less energy and completed the task in 1 less second and this was just due to some slight final modifications to the code that improved the run. Each of the large peaks in power correlate to either power braking or accelerating away from the gate so this is where most of the energy was consumed. To mitigate this it was decided to use only minimal power braking at the end and use coasting for the majority of the declines. The final energy of 231 joules is a good number because when converted into cost and added to the time and capital costs, it puts the AEV well under the budget.