
Soybean production has steadily increased over time just like everything else in this world. Soybeans account for around 90 percent of the oilseed production within the United States. There were 77.5 million acres of soybeans planted in 2009 making them the second most-planted crop in the United States.

In the United States, there are certain times in the year soybeans are planted and harvested. Soybeans are typically planted in the months of May or even June. This process typically involves a tractor and a planter. There are many different types of soybeans you can plant but that is discussed on the varieties page. After planting the soybeans then they are normally sprayed to protect them from diseases, insects, or weeds. Sometimes certain soybeans cannot be sprayed due to the variety of the soybean. After months of growing, the soybeans will finally be ready for harvest and that is when the farmer will be taking the soybeans out of the field. The process of harvest involves the harvester and a way to transport the soybeans out of the field and to their destination. From that point it is up to the farmer to decide what he wants done with the soybeans. The farmer has many options to take the soybeans to; different companies, different locations, and even what they will be used for. Below there will be videos to show how soybeans are planted and another video showing them being harvested, both in the United States.


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