One of the biggest debates in today’s world is about GMOs vs. non-GMOs. Some people believe that GMOs are bad for ones health because it is a genetic modified organism or because farmers spray their chemicals on them. There are many different varieties of GMOs and there are also many different varieties of non-GMOs. Soybean varieties are a big deal to a farmer because there are different maturity dates on some varieties and there are some soybeans that do better in dry areas compared to wet areas or vice versa. There are also many companies that sell these many different varieties. Monsanto is one of the most popular agricultural companies in the world because of what they can do to the genetics of a soybean. The reason that GMOs are so popular is because they are designed to produce higher yields so that the farmer can produce more soybeans. With the rising population in the world, it is important for the farmers to keep producing as much as they can so they can keep up. GMOs are also commonly grown to be more resistant to droughts, wet weather, diseases, and other things that can affect the growth of the soybean  plants.

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