
Welcome to Soybean Talk. This is a website designed to help people better understand what soybeans are and the process of growing, harvesting, and selling them. Soybeans have been grown all over the world for the past 3,000 years and are still one of the most popular crops grown. Soybeans are very important to the world and there are many uses for them.The six commodity chain activities that we will cover on this website are production, soybean varieties(GMO vs. non-GMO), purchasing soybeans, soybean uses, and a map that will show where the largest amounts of soybeans are grown.

I hope that this website will shine some light on people that may not know a lot of information about soybeans. My goal is to show how important soybeans are to me, the world, and even you, you just may not know it yet.


Garth McDorman





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