About me


My name is Em Sowles. I’m from Cincinnati, OH. My graduating class – Madeira Class 2016- was 110 people, so OSU is a really big place to me. I graduated as a top senior with an honors diploma. I am a proponent of LGBT+ equality. I was the president of my high school Gay Straight Alliance and I plan on joining similar organizations at OSU. In college, I hope to achieve academic success and conduct research as well as try out internships and teaching opportunities. 

I am an Astronomy/Astrophysics major. I am considering adding an education minor. At OSU, I want to expand my knowledge and set myself up for a rewarding career around my favorite subject- the universe. I loved physics and french in high school and am looking forward to continuing my studies in college. My french teacher, in particular, inspired me to think about different cultures with an open mind and see the beauty in all peoples and cultures. I am taking an anthropology course- Anthro 2202- to explore the diversity in the world further.

As of now, I am between two career paths- education or research oriented. I plan on trying out both research and teaching opportunities to decide which path to follow. Who knows, maybe I will end up doing both! I want to make an impact on people, which is why I want to explore teaching. I love the idea of inspiring students to study the wonders of the cosmos because I am so enchanted and inspired by the infinite possibilities presented by outer space. Because I am fascinated by astronomy, I also want to do research and expand the scientific knowledge of my field. Either way, I want to share the wonders of the universe with people.

I feel like OSU is a great place for me. There are endless opportunities to explore and endless ways to give back. In high school, I completed over 50 hours of community service and I would like to continue to volunteer in Columbus. I think the best way to give back is through education. A good education can change lives. I would like to volunteer at schools to help kids change their lives.