We Have a Winner!

This week we had a Brutus Selfie Contest in honor of Brutus’ 50th birthday. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to our winner Mikayla Simon! Mikayla posted her selfie with Bronze Brutus and received the most likes on Instagram.

Mikaylay's winning photo

The prize for the contest was a miniature Brutus statue. Here she poses with her prize along with it’s bronze namesake. Mikayla poses with her prize

Be sure to check out our post about Brutus’ birthday written by the nut himself! Don’t forget to follow the sOUrce for all the information you need about what’s happening in the Ohio Union.

I’m Turning 50 This Fall!

Greetings to my fellow Buckeyes, it’s your friend Brutus!

The students who write for the sOUrce have asked me to write a guest post because it’s almost my birthday! Let’s kick things off by taking a little trip down memory lane to when things all started for me…

A picture of the first Brutus mascot

Photo attributed to: https://www.osu.edu/features/2015/happy-birthday-brutus.html

The year was 1965: the Beatles were playing on the radio, Ohio State students were doing “the twist” – arguably a much better dance move than the Cupid Shuffle or the whip/nae nae – and the United States had yet to land on the moon. That fall on campus, one buckeye nut was given a name and a place in history – me! The Ohio State University and I made my mascot debut at the football game against Minnesota. For the first month of my life I was paper mache, and then I was fiberglass until the early 80’s. In the late 90’s I hit the gym before the new millennium!

Another photo of the original Brutus mascot


Photo attributed to: https://www.osu.edu/features/2015/happy-birthday-brutus.html


Fast forward to 2015 and I am still doing what I love, spreading school spirit at the best collegiate institution in the nation. Some may say I am biased, to which I just have to smile because you know I am a nut of few words!

A photo of modern-day Brutus

The authors of the sOUrce as well as the Ohio Union have invited me to celebrate my big 50 with all of you, my Buckeye squad. All I want for my birthday are some pictures with the best fans in the land, so we are having a Brutus Picture Contest. Here is how to participate:

  1. Take a selfie with one of the multiple Brutus statues around the Ohio Union
  2. Instagram it with the hashtag #Brutus50 and tag @ohiounion
  3. The Ohio Union Instagram will post the pictures on Instagram
  4. Like your favorite pictures! The picture with the most likes will win a special prize, so be sure to spread the word!

This contest starts today and the winner will be announced on Friday – 10/30 – so start taking and posting those selfies!

Thanks for celebrating my birthday!

Your friend,

Brutus Buckeye