Spring Career and Internship Fairs

As college students, taking classes, hanging out with friends, and getting involved in different organizations are not usually our only focuses. Understanding the importance of internships and volunteer works, we also actively consider summer job opportunities and our post-grad career choices. If you are not familiar with all of the career services resources that Ohio State has to offer, read our tips below and check out the internship and career fairs taking place at the Ohio Union.

Partnering with the Ohio Union, Student Life Career Counseling and Support Services connects students across all majors, graduate programs and degree levels with employers who are seeking to recruit for employment and internships. The internship and career fairs at the Ohio State University often attract more than 200 corporations, nonprofit organizations and government employers. All current Ohio State University students and recent graduates are able to submit their resumes and network with the employers to learn more about their job openings. Attending employers recruit for a wide variety of areas such as communications, business analysis and management, computer information science, graphic design, human resources, logistics, marketing and other related areas. Therefore, no matter what major you are studying, we highly encourage you to take advantage of these fantastic career fairs by attending and exploring your future career opportunities.

The series of spring internship and career fairs is underway and lasts through early April. For a detailed career fair schedule, please check this schedule. Below are 8 tips to help you prepare for career fairs. I have personally found these tips incredibly helpful so I hope they will help you get prepared and ready to attend the next career fair.

  1. Be prepared. Download a list of all companies in attendance and decide which companies you are interested in talking to. Research the business information, core values and current job openings of these companies to tailor your opening introduction.
  2. Have a polished resume. I recommend having at least 2 career coaches from your college’s career services office review your resume prior to attending career fairs. Follow the resume format recommended by your college to make your resume looks professional. Also, print more than enough copies to distribute.
  3. Dress nice and look good. Although business casual is becoming more common in the workplace, first impressions are still crucial when impressing your favorite company. A professional suit will help give you a boost of confidence.
  4. Strategize. If I’m being honest, the noise and crowds of people can be a little overwhelming at first. This is true for most people so try and save your favorite companies until after you have made 2 or 3 introductions and have eased your nerves.
  5. Be patient. You might feel exhausted or anxious waiting to speak with employers (and for girls, wearing heels is an added stressor.) However, waiting time can offer you keen insights. Take your time in the line to read through the employer’s profile and listen to what is happening in front of you.
  6. Perform professional and firm handshakes with the company representatives. Try to practice your handshake with a couple of friends—even though it might seem silly—so you can greet the representatives with a nice, firm handshake. Once you finish the handshake, remember to keep smiling and maintain eye contact throughout your conversation.
  7. Introduce yourself clearly. Career fairs are often very loud, so speak up and introduce yourself briefly. Practice an elevator speech, which is a 30-second introduction to highlight your academic background and experiences. This is a great time to showcase some of your research on the company’s values, mission and performance to impress the recruiters.
  8. Ask for a business card. Send a short thank-you email within the first forty eight hours to representatives from your favorite companies. This might help you to develop some prospective contacts and helpful resources!

We hope that these helpful tips will help you have a fun and successful career fair experience this spring semester. For more career fair information, please check out the Ohio State career fairs website.

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