The Ohio Union is excited to host its first overnight Hackathon on November 14. OHI/O Hackathon is an annual event hosted by Buckeye Hackers and this year will be taking place in the Archie Griffin Grand Ballroom. Undergraduate and graduate students will be designing, building and demonstrating software to a live audience of students, faculty and tech company representatives. Over $5,000 in prizes will be given away. Participants create teams of 2 – 4 students and then come up with a project. Projects are judged on technical difficulty, creativity, usefulness and presentation. There will also be a variety of “Tech Talks” given throughout the event by tech student organizations. Anyone is welcome to come check out the showcase of programs at 2 P.M. Sunday November 15.
All of this information and more can be found at For more information about student organizations here at Ohio State, follow the sOUrce for monthly Student Org Spotlights!