Research Findings

Saf Health Work. 2020 Jun; 11(2): 241–243. Published online 2020 Mar 24. doi: 10.1016/

The SEIPS model is provided as a “road map” for our research team to capture high level variables that have been proven to be linked to the health and well-being of workers.  In this effort, the worker is recognized as the ultrasound user and is providing care for patients in a variety of venues and applications.   To organize the longitudinal data collection and the reporting of results, the surveys administered are organized around these salient variables.  Obviously, the work system is the hospital, clinic, or health care delivery system that allows for the ultrasound user to perform their service for patients. The work processes might vary but the delivery of a high quality diagnostic examination is the goal and should lead to a beneficial outcome for both the patient and the worker.  We are predominately focused on the outcomes of the health and well-being of the ultrasound user. Therefore the variables listed within the work system should positively contribute to work, occupational health, and safety.  As you consult this website for information, please look for some high level data under these headings:

Healthcare Tasks- functions performed by the ultrasound user such as the exam, patient care, reporting, etc.; Tools an Technologies -ultrasound systems and transducers are the main tools which allow for providing technologies such as 2 dimensional imaging, 2 dimensional imaging, image guide procedures, etc.; Organizational Conditions -health care organizations are constantly evolving to meet the needs of their constituents and these expansion and contractions can influence the way the ultrasound user provides their services; Environmental factors– major external and internal influences to the work system can come due to a pandemic, lost revenue, as well as supervisor and colleague support; and foremost is the healthcare worker!

The subsequent pages provided are organized by this SEIPS model roadmap and will have some information about each variable.

To add your individual data to the database please click HERE to enter Survey #1.