Kevin D. Evans, PhD is Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Investigatory Imaging. Dr. Evans was selected by the Alliance of Ultrasound Organizations to execute the Grand Challenge study of work-related musculoskeletal injuries (WRMSI) that are reported to be plaquing ultrasound users. Dr. Evans was the lead of the Grand Challenge’s Metrics Group that was tasked with finding questions that could be used to create a national survey of the risk of WRMSI. Once the Metrics Group completed their work, the results were folded over into the initiative for executing the national survey and even more importantly a database on the health and wellness of ultrasound equipment users. Dr. Evans was formerly selected by the Alliance of Ultrasound Organizations to be the Principle Investigator of this national survey and developing database of worker health. Dr. Evans has been actively involved in the promotion of worker health and safety for more than a decade and has been funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the Ohio Department of Worker’s Compensation, and other private foundations. Dr. Evans has a PhD in geriatrics and gerontology from The Ohio State University and is the Past President of the SDMS, SDMS Educational Foundation, and past Chair of the ARDMS. Dr. Evans is a Fellow of the SDMS and AIUM as well as the AIUM Distinguished Sonographer for 2019.
Shawn C. Roll, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Division of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Sciences, that University of Southern California. Dr. Roll is serving as the co-PI for this national survey of ultrasound workers’ health and safety. Dr. Roll will be working closely with Drs. Evans and Sommerich in gathering survey data that will be the foundation for the national database for sonographers and sonologists health and well-being. Dr. Roll has been funded for his research into musculoskeletal health and risk prevention by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the National Science Foundation, and other private foundations. Dr. Roll has a PhD in health and rehabilitation sciences from The Ohio State University and was Dr. Evans’ first PhD student. Dr. Roll is a Fellow of the AIUM, AOTA, and was recently inducted into the AOTA Academy of Scientists.
Carolyn M. Sommerich, PhD, CPE is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Systems and Engineering at The Ohio State University. She is also a certified professional ergonomist. Dr. Sommerich has been a long term collaborator with Dr. Evans and has been highly involved in a variety of research projects aimed at documenting and mitigating the risk of WRMSI in imaging technologists and other health care professionals. As a Certified Professional Ergonomist, her expertise is highly valued and brings this important insight to the survey research. Dr. Sommerich has been funded multiple times by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the Ohio Department of Worker’s Compensation, industrial contracts. She has also served as a member of the NIOSH Grant Review panel and as a grant reviewer. Dr. Sommerich has dual appointments in the OSU College of Engineering and the School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. Dr. Sommerich completed her PhD at the OSU College of Engineering and has extensive survey research experience. She is serving as a co-PI for this study and will be instrumental in developing the ongoing research database.
Isaiah W. Bloom, BS also recently graduated from OSU and will be preparing to enter medical school in 2022. Isaiah has developed strong point of care ultrasound skills (POCUS) and will be working in the lab as a Research Assistant 1. Isaiah has been working with Dr. Evans for three years and completed his BS in Biology from The Ohio State University. Isaiah was selected by the university as 2020 Outstanding Senior and has been on scholarship for his academic achievements. Isaiah is acutely interested in reducing the risk of WRMSI and hopes to use ultrasound equipment as part of his future medical practice. Isaiah works with Dr. Sayeed to make sure that all surveys are designed for physicians who use ultrasound equipment. Isaiah is funded by the Alliance of Ultrasound Organizations to contribute to the project and helps with survey development, website postings, and as a liaison with our contributors Dr. Sayeed and Loretta Damron BS, RDCS (AE and PE). Isaiah is actively interviewing with several medical schools and will pick his next institution based on secondary applications and medical school interviews.
Nicole Stigall-Weikle, MS, RDMS, RVT is a PhD candidate at The Ohio State University’s School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. Besides Nicole’s strong work as a doctoral student, she is a part-time sonographer at the Ohio Health’s Bing Cancer Center. Nicole has extensive studies in both quantitative and qualitative research and is a valued contributor to this work. She also helps to keep the survey grounded and realistic for those sonographers who are actively working in the field.
Team contributors:
- Yusef Sayeed, MD, MPH, MEng, CPH, CMRO, CME, COHC, MSKME, RMSK, DABPM, FAIUM Master Educator-Musculoskeletal Medicine
Director of Interventional/Integrated Pain Medicine and Functional Rehabilitation, Intrepid Spirit Center
Assistant Professor, Uniformed Services University of the Health Science - Loretta Dameron, BS, RDCS (AE, PE) Lead cardiac sonographer for the OSU Ross Heart Hospital
- Yusef Sayeed, MD, MPH, MEng, CPH, CMRO, CME, COHC, MSKME, RMSK, DABPM, FAIUM Master Educator-Musculoskeletal Medicine