Somali Curriculum Textbooks

This page contains some hard-to-find Somali curriculum text books. The Somali language was written in 1972 and the Revolutionary government of President Mohamed Siyad Barre invested enormous time, energy and resources to formalize the Somali language, harmonize technical vocabulary and make education accessible to the Somali public in their own Somali language.  As a result of this effort, Somali became one of the most developed African languages in the 1970s and 80s with students studying Somali up to the university level. However, since the fall of the central government of Somalia in 1991, the Somali language lost its momentum due to lack of any meaningful research and development.

We need your help to make this list more complete. If you find any of these texts useful or if there are other books that you may be interested in, please let us know by contacting Professor Jibril Sheikh Ali Aw Mohamed at


Dictionary- Biology

Dictionary- Chemistry

Dictionary- Geography

Dictionary- Math

Dictionary- Physics




Form 1 Biology

Form 1 Chemistry

Form 1 Geography

Form 1 Geography1

Form 1 History

Form 1 Literature 2

Form 1 Literature


Form 2 Physics

Form 2 Physics2


Form 3 Biology


Form 4 Geography

Form 4 History

Form 4 Literature

Form 4 Math

Form 4 Physics




Grade 1 Math

Grade 1 Science

Grade 1 Somali


Grade 2 Geography

Grade 2 History

Grade 2 Math

Grade 2 Science

Grade 2 Somali

Grade 2 Somali1


Grade 3 Geography

Grade 3 History

Grade 3 History1

Grade 3 Math

Grade 3 Math2

Grade 3 Science

Grade 3 Somali

Grade 3 Somali1


Grade 4 Geography

Grade 4 History

Grade 4 Literature

Grade 4 Math

Grade 4 Science

Grade 4 Somali


Grade 5 Geography

Grade 5 History

Grade 5 Literature

Grade 5 Math

Grade 5 Science

Grade 5 Science2

Grade 5 Somali

Grade 5 Somali1

Grade 5 Somali2


Grade 6 Somali


Grade 7 Somali

Grade 7 Somali1


Grade 8 Somali

Grade Middle Sch Stories


Grammar- Kirk

Grammar- Mansur Answers

Grammar- Raabbi- Modern

Grammar- Shiraac

Grammar- Shire Jama

Grammar- Weereynta- Waasuge



Grammar-Phoenetics- Raabi

Grammar-Raabi- writing

Grammer- Language Committee



Poetry of Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan

diiwaanka-gabayadii-sayid-maxamed-cabdulle-xasan (2015_07_08 16_13_50 UTC)By Aw Jama Omar Isse

Somali Stories:

Ayaan daran (qiso dhab ah) 3

Aanadii Negeeye- Ibraahim Yuusuf ‘Hawd’ 





Other Somali Resources:


73 thoughts on “Somali Curriculum Textbooks

  1. mala heli karaa 10 ka maado ee laga dhigo iskuulaadka muqdisho iyakoo diyaarsan fadlan warbixn ayaan idiinka sugaayaa mahadsanidiin

  2. Thanks more and more for your struggle collection knowledge program education and the advancing somali curriculum education for different grades and levels

  3. Thanks more and more for struggling and collection previous Somalia curriculum education for the new generation

    • I am from Stavanger, Norway. I am an IB student. I do Somali language and literature as self taught. Any one who can help me how analyse and the language use(devises)

      • Aad bay ugu mahadsanyihiin, dhammaan dadka soo ururiyay, Manhajkii Horee Soomaaliya, siggaara waxaan iyana u mahad Naqayaaa, Jaamacadda OSU (Ohio Satate Unive.
        Dhallinta Soomaalida ee ka Faalloonaysa Amaba Aragtidoodo kasoo dhiibanaysa boggan, waxaan odhanlahaa, Fadllan.qoraalada aad soo qoraysaan ha ahaadaan “Af-Soomaali” Kaliya, .. haddaadan karayn xitaa isagoo jajab ah amaba garam.garam ah soo qora.

  4. Omg it’s amazing I haven’t never thought that I can get scientific subjects written as Somali language thank you mr professor my Allah reward you for your efforts ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Excellent resources, has lots of sentimental value as a Somali teacher who contributed and used these resources.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  6. Wonderful work Jibril!

    JIbril and OSU’s African American and African Studies Department has done wonders in archiving such a rich collection of Somali curriculum material. Af Somali still remains one of the top three most developed African languages.

    The Af Somali literacy campaign in the 1970s and subsequent developed curriculum saved and printed material dating back to more than 240 years. Famous poems and stories in the primary and high school text books published in 1970s contain historical events, poems, stories and other content from mid eighth century contemporary Somali culture.


    I am pleased to share with you that today June 11th, 2018, after nearly 28 years of fractured and competing curriculum and education systems across different regions in Somalia, and without an enforceable national curriculum for primary and secondary education in Somalia, new comprehensive curriculum is being launched in Mogadishu for primary and high schools in Somalia.

    Curriculum Development Office/Dept. from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education (MoECHE) has worked hard in the last two years and is finally giving Somalia a new national curriculum.

    Indications are, in the next 2 or 3 years, there will be harmonized national graduation exams for primary and secondary education from Hargaisa to Kismayo.

  7. Masha allah hormar wacan walaaloyal wad ku mahadsantihen howsha aad qabaten hore usocda hormar wacan marwalbo wan idin garab tagan nahay anaka neh you guys did well mashallah love you all somalians.

  8. i am very much excited to have these books. i will get a chance to student again as because my median of instruction was different from my native language.
    it is my turn to primary and secondary student in the coming years.
    not only study but since i have graduated from faculty of education and am a teacher i hope i will use the correct science terminology when translating foreign languages to my the somali language.
    many thanks again to everyone who took part this beautiful innovation.

  9. I see that the books are well persevere
    are they published if yes how can I get some. If not let me know
    As person who would like to improve like reading skills in somali and as mostly self-taught person this would not only help learn but it would fill one of my passions to learn somali fully and probably. ,

  10. السلام عليكم ورحمة اللة وبركاته

    Ignorance is decease which is spreads as fast as wind, and knowledge cures it.
    This hard work will enable us InshaAllaah to strengthen our existence in East Africa and the rest of the world, but let us not forget we are only transit in this world and our destination is here after and indeed needs preparation, also it needs provision which is entirely for Allaah.
    One word in your hard work which is against our religion can nullify your work so please careful .

    Hassan M Ali
    London UK

    السلام عليكم

    • Really isma dhaheynin channel noocan ayaa jira masha Allah afkeena hooya in wax lagu baro dhalinteena waa wax tangible ah thank u

  11. Arday shisheeye ah ayaa aan bari jiray Afsoomaaliga intii u dhaxaysay 1973 – 76. Casharro degdeg ah (intensive lessons) ayaan siin jiray. Saddex nuqul ayaa aan isugu soo ururiyey, burbur madbacadda Qaranka na waa ay ku lumeen. Fadlan haddii ay idin soo galaan ila socodsiiya, waxa aynu ku jirnaa dib u soo ka basho. Mahadsanidin.
    Hambalyo, Hambalyo, Hambalyo, shaqo qaran ayaa aydin haysaan.
    Maxamed Xaaji Raabbi,

  12. Allahu akbar allahu akbar allaahu akbar
    Illaahay ayaa mahdleh koreeye,
    Mar 2aabka waxaan idinka mahad celinayaa manhajkii soomaaligaa ahaa oo intii karaankiina aad ka heli karayseen aad bulshadiina u soo bandhigteen dad badan ayuu la fududyahay arinkani laakin waa horumarkii umada somaliyeed book ta fasalka koowaad ee manhajkii somaliya iyo buugta fasalka sideedaad ee maanta wax wayn kuma kala duwana, maanta afkeenii waa lagu soo duulay ee waxaan idinka codsanayaa inta aad ka heli kartaan somaliga ku qornayd tii jaamacadah iyo dugsiyaba in daabacdaan website kan galisaan mahadsanidin

  13. Aad iyo aad baan ugu faraxay imaan arko buugtii aan dhigsn jiray oo ku soo ururisay websidkan waxa keli ee aan waayey waxa weeye buugii english koshin one ilaa four.
    Hadaba waxaan email aan u soo qoray imaan ummadda soo.aamiyeed u sheego imaan ahay khabiir buugta ah isla markaan buugtan aa ka dhiga karo original oo ka bedeli karo sawirka markaas waxaan la socodsiinayaa in cidii dooneysa inay igala soo xidhiidho email ama mobilka 0634429195

  14. shukran wllkay Dadaaka wayn eed samysay waana loo baxsan doonaa insha Allah, Jzaaka Allah wllkay

    • Walaal,
      Buugta ka degso degelkan. Buug walba oo bartan ku qoran wuxuu ku jiraa isaga oo PDF ah. Dhag sii oo kala deg lifaaqa.

      Somali Books

  15. Waxaan aad u salaamayaa Dhammaan Dhallinyaradii kasoo shaqaysay amaba ka qayb qaadatay in halkan lagu kaydiyo Qaybo ka mid ah Buuggaagtii Manhajkii horee Soomaaliya.

  16. Am highly appreciated and Thanksgiving to those preserved these books and shared with us, i hope these all books are very important to Somali learners whether youngsters or elders.

  17. Runtii waxaan kugu hambalyaynayaa sida aad noola wadaagtay buug tan oo qaali inagu ah oo imbadan aan raadinayaay. Waxaad mudan tahay in lagu siiyo bilan sharaf.

  18. Howl wacan oo waddaniyad ku dheehan tahay ayaad samaysay, waxaan rabbi kaagga rajayn inaad ajar kagga hesho. Mahadsanid wll.

    Sidoo kalle waxaan kaa codsanayaa inaad noosoo galiso manhajkii jaamacadihii dalka ee jamhuuriyadda soomaliyeed burburkabka hor.

    Sidoo kalle imtixaaniadii hadaad hesho, noosoo dedaal waanad mahadsan tahay.

  19. Masha Allah. Waad mahadsantihin walahi. Waa in aaan luqadena hooyo cilmiga kubaranaa. Insha Allah wxan ubahnan laha maths iyo physics textbooks ayago dameystiran ooo af somali ah hada heleysin.

  20. Wll ajir iyo xasanaad Aan la soo koobi karin rabi ha kaa siiyo, dadaalkaagan dhaxalka ummaddeed noqday.

    Wll alle janooyinkiisa kuwa ugu sareeya hakugu irsaaqo.

  21. Azxpta haddii aad raadinaysaan buggaag afsoomaali ah, kuwan iyo qaar kale oo badan ( siibahaan kuwii la qoray intii u dhexeysay 1971- 2000) waxaad ka heli kartaa website-ka hoos hu qoran.
    Markaad gujiso linkiga taabo > books > search option > select languages > kadib luuqada kadhig somali taabana “search”

  22. Assalamu Caleykum
    waxaan ku farax sanhay inaan kusalaamo kuan hanbalyeeyo page-kaagan aad ku diyaarisay
    Manhajka waxbarashada Somaliya

  23. A big thank you to this institution for availing such a gold mine for us! I am an adult Somali trying to learn my tongue! I am sure this resource will be helpful in my learning! Thank you once more.

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