Sophomore Year Review

I think this year has been an insightful and fun one. I went more into my major, discovered the stress of taking 18 credit hours, had an internship at a refugee resettlement agency, and dealt with trying to discover who I am. The time of college, at times is difficult to deal with and overcome, I thought I was confident until spring semester where I felt so overwhelmed and unsuccessful. I started to see what the bad side of college seems to be hidden when people say “college is great”- while an incredible opportunity I am happy to have now- it can also be over the top when you aren’t caring for yourself. Taking a break, chatting with someone, or even praying can make it much easier to get through. I’ve realized I can’t do everything, can’t control everything, and shouldn’t try. School may get to be alot, but it is important to value your work, and not be too hard on yourself. I will try to remember this going forward, and give myself a break when its needed.

Year in Review

I am excited about the leadership experience I’ve gained over the past year at OSU, and especially with group teamwork involvement. Through the orgs I’m involved with, I have had to learn to deal with and plan large scale events and meetings with many differring people, backgrounds, and ideas. I love the talent I’ve gained of bringing the best out of everyone (team member, collaborating org, etc) to make the strengths stronger and build upon what individuals can do even better as a team. I am excited about my leadership potential for next year and the opportunities I’ll have to continue building on this skill.